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Dean's jaw stiffened. He didn't like this, he didn't like this one bit. Lucifer gave him bad vibes. He knew to trust his instincts when it came to people. Lucifer was looking at Bela in awe but not the usual awe that most men have when it comes to her. It was almost, fake. He could tell that Cas was uncomfortable with him there, which meant so was Dean.

The waiter came back with drinks for the table and took their order. Dean ordered a steak and Cas ordered some kind of fancy pasta that ended in an 'i'. He took a swig of his drink.

He heard Jo in his ear, "Wolf, we got two bogeys coming in the restaurant. Both armed." Dean flicked his eyes toward the door, two burly dudes in tuxes came into the restaurant. He couldn't see any sign of being armed but he knew Jo's intelligence would be correct.

Dean lowered his voice and whispered, "Any ID?"

Charlie chorused in, "Not yet but my facial recognition software is narrowing it down as we speak."

Dean took a sip of his drink. He was going to need it. 

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