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Did Gabe just say what she thought he said? Her eyes darted to Lucifer just in time to watch his charismatic and friendly face turn deadly in nanoseconds. But, it turned back just as fast. If you didn't know their family, you wouldn't have caught it. Cas looked around at the other Winchesters. Sam seemed off in lala land, Dean was intently staring at his array of silverware (probably trying to decided what fork is used for what course) but Bela was looking with concern at Lucifer. Perhaps she saw the change in his face as well.

Lucifer's laugh startled her, "Oh Gabe, come now! It was just a silly story from your childhood. Everyone has them! Try to keep a smile on that grouchy face of yours, tonight is a party!"

Cas could cut the tension at the table with a knife. She was so uncomfortable until Bela came to her rescue, "Castiel, Samantha, would you like to accompany me to the restroom?"

"Of course!" Cas jumped at the chance to escape the awkwardness, Sam stood up without a word and followed the girls.

They passed by two hulking men whose table was seated right by the restrooms. Cas' angel mojo allowed her to sense that these guys weren't good news. She could tell that they were watching them out of the corner of their eyes. Were these men connected to the guy that Dean almost killed when she and Bela went dress shopping. Something told Cas that they were that unlucky. They stood outside the single stall restroom waiting for someone to come out. After that person left, Bela ushered them all into the bathroom.

Bela turned to Cas with a hand on her slim waist. Her eyes were gentle but her stance was fierce.

"Cas. What does Lucifer do for a living? If you know anything you need to tell me right now."

Cas jumped at her tone and squeaked out, "Uh-um, no. I am sorry. All I know is that he works for the government."

Bela hissed, "Damnit. I invited him with me to learn more about him. According to my research, your brother doesn't exist. I don't trust him. And that look he shot Gabe, was downright predatory."

Sam snapped into attention when Gabe's name was mentioned, "Wait, what look."

Bela waved her off, "It was a split second, you probably missed it. But Cassy here didn't. Which means she knew it was going to happen. Cas what do I need to know about Lucifer to keep this mission safe?"

Sam smacked her sister on the shoulder, hard, "BELA!"

"Ouch! Bloody Hell Sam! The fuck was that for?"

Sam hissed under her breath, "Cas is here... and you are talking about missions... Ellen is going to kill you!"

Bela brushed her worry aside, "Sam, honey, Castiel was there when a man attacked me, almost killed me and then called Dean who then proceeded to paralyze him with one of his guns. If she doesn't know what we do by now, then she is a goddamn idiot."

Both of the beautiful women looked down at Cas as if expecting a reaction, or confession.

Cas sighed, "Dean told me." Sam gasped loudly and the look in her eyes made her look ready to kill.

"I can't believe that motherfucker would fucking tell someone. What a fucking –" Sam started cussing up a storm in anger.

Bela smacked Sam upside the head, "Pull yourself together Samantha Winchester. We are in the middle of the job and this is compromising shit right here."

Cas could feel some tears welling up, "I am so sorry Sam."

Sam smiled weakly at Cas, "It isn't your fault Cas. It is my idiot brother's fault. Too bad he doesn't put as much work into studying as he does working out."

That made Cas smile a little bit, but Bela's pacing was worrying her too.

"I am sorry I don't know more Bela. To be honest, Lucifer has always been kinda bipolar. We don't really know what he will do next, he also reacts really aggressively to things like what Gabe did. When I was younger, a man called Lucifer gay. At the time Luci laughed it off but then that man ended up in the hospital three days later, with 12 broken bones. We could never confirm it was him but we all knew."

Sam and Bela both looked at her like she was crazy. Cas thought it was funny that two girls whose entire family were con artists thought that that was weird. 

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