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Ellen flopped on her bed after changing out of her dress into sweats and one of Bobby's old T-shirts. She had made sure that Charlie hacked and erased the footage from the security cameras that caught Dean shooting the prick who attacked them. She buried her face in her pillow, and took a deep breath. She relaxed her entire body, her eyes started to feel heavy. The light didn't bother her, it was just a dull burr through her eyelids. She was content. There was a soft knock at the door. She groaned internally and rolled over as the door swung open. It was Bela, uncharacteristically knocking. Ellen sat up, surprised that her daughter was knocking; she had her arms wrapped around herself and stared at the floor. Bela's golden hair was draped unceremoniously in front of her eyes and she was wearing a massive sweater and sweats.

"Can I talk to you for a mo?" Bela whispered, her British accent less formal.

Ellen stood up and gestured for her to sit on the bed. What was wrong with Bela? She was acting out of character, not holding her head high, not acting like she is better than everyone else. Her motherly instincts told her that something was very wrong.

Bella sat on the bed and Ellen sat next to her, both in silence for a while. Then Ellen saw something that kicked the motherly instincts into overdrive. There, on Ellen and Bobby's comforter, was a round teardrop stain. Bela was crying.

"Oh baby." Ellen said and pulled Bela towards her. Bela gripped on her shirt and began silently sobbing. Ellen held her and let her cry. Bela cried herself to sleep and Ellen didn't let go for the entire night. She fell asleep with her tearstained baby in her arms, her baby with PTSD that was triggered by a man grabbing her and trying to get in her pants. Ellen understood, Bela was sexually abused for most of her childhood; the memories were not pleasant ones. Sleep came reluctantly for Ellen that night, but in the end she did sleep. 

********This section was pretty heavy, but Bela needed some love. I have Finals coming up so I won't be able to update for a while. BUUTTT!!!!! YOU GUYS SHOULD COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE HAPPEN WITH THESE GUYS! LIKE WHATS UR FAVORITE AU THAT MAYBE I CAN SLIP IN!!!! I LOVE WRITING FOR YOU GUYS YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO SPECIAL!! LOVE ALL MY #MOTIVATIONSQUAD!!!!!!!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!**************************

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