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She knew something had happened when Dean and Gabe left. When they'd came back Dean had traces of Gabe's mojo all over him. She wasn't going to pry because she'd guessed it had something to do with those two goons. Deans horrible joke had worked to make things lighter, however she was still suspicious about what had occured in the back of a restaurant. It had started out so nicely but as soon as Lucifer walked into the room the entire dynamic changed. It was eerie to see both Dean and Gabe so on edge.

Lucifer walked Bela out to the limo and helped her in, "M'lady. I regret to say that I'm needed on a quick conference call. I shall meet up with you at the event my dear."

Bela plastered on a dazzling fake smile and nodded, "Of course I understand. A man such as yourself is sure to be needed at all hours! I await your company!"

Cas gagged internally, they were so fake. Dean helped her and Sam in next, then allowed Gabe to crawl in after his girlfriend. As soon as they were alone in the limo it felt as though weight was lifted off everyone. Cas let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Ok..So I uh have to ask." Gabe started, "Does everyone here except me know that Dean has a gun currently? Like I'm just making sure that I'm the only one out of the loop because what the actual fuck dude."

Bela gasped and Sam rolled her eyes. Cas shrugged, she didn't know he had brought one for sure but she suspected as much.

"Cas? Even you knew my best friend was packing?" Gabe said, then as if to realize how his sentence sounded out loud he restated, "Ok , I didn't mean- not like that ok! I meant like a gun."

Cas was tomato red, she couldn't even believe what she was hearing. " Gabe!" she said.

Sam elbowed him in the side for making it weird.

"OK OK I made it weird but THERE IS A GUN IN THE CAR. Carried by DEAN FUCKING WINCHESTER. The guy who I have seen, on multiple occasions mind you, fall UP the goddamn stairs. Cas is this not even phasing you?!"

Cas shrugged, "I mean the other day he like almost killed a guy."

Dean facepalmed, she guessed that wasn't the answer he wanted her to give.

Gabe looked desperately at the other faces in the car, no one looked at him.

Gabe started nodding, like the fact that this was normal was finally sinking in. He mumbled, "ok. Lit...lit lit lit lit lit."

Sam chirped up, "does it help to know he's not the only one armed?"

She pulled out a stiletto blade from her garter and a smaller knife that detached from her bracelet. Bela demonstrated the badassery of her armlet that was a metal whip when the button was pressed.

Cas didn't realize that everyone was packing a little something, she felt kinda left out.

Gabe nodded, "those are cool... but like... he has a GUN."

Sam started laughing, "We will explain after like we promised. It is too much for now we will be pulling up any minute now."

And pull up they did... to Police tape and a raging fire.

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