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He sat up with her and wrapped one of his arms around her waist. She stiffened at his touch. He pulled his hand back, not wanting to push her any further. He got off the bed and walked over to the window. He pulled back the beige curtains and opened the window. He moved over to his backpack, which was haphazardly thrown on the floor, and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and a snicker bar. He unwrapped the Snicker, threw the wrapper on the floor and lit his cig. Sam walked over to him, and pulled a cigarette from his pack. He flicked his lighter open and she lit up. They both stood by the window smoking. Gabe finished his last drag of his first cigarette and lit another off the end of the first.

"So Sam. I didn't know you smoked." He said casually. Dean seeing them together cast a shadow of awkwardness over them both.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me." Sam said in between drags. Gabe pulled his cigarette away from his lips and cocked his head one way, "You know something? You are completely right. Tell me Samantha. What is one thing I don't know about you?" They both simultaneously leaned up against the windowsill.

"Well", Sam began, "I'm a gymnast. I used to compete but it ended up not being my style. So I do it for fun now. What is one thing I don't know about you?" She took a long drag. Well for starters, Gabe thought, I'm an archangel of the lord.

Sam took his silence as hesitation, "Come on. First thing that comes into your head."

"I'm very addicted to candy." Gabe said almost as soon and Sam finished her sentence, "But don't worry I've got a killer metabolism."

Sam laughed as she took a drag and shoved his shoulder, "That doesn't count! I already knew that!" She gestured to the candy wrappers littering the floor.

"Fine, uh, I'm really good at stealthy sneaking around places. I can pick locks, and move like a ninja." Gabe proceeded to horribly attempt to do a ninja pose. Which made Sam laugh. After that they sat in companionable silence. Gabe thought about this wonderful woman he had next to him. She was everything he ever wanted. Smart, funny, quiet but yet not exactly introverted, clever, A GYMNAST (Imagine the sex!) and not to mention drop dead gorgeous. Not to mention his best friends little sister.

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