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Dean rolled into the driveway of the house, his arm bleeding and scratched up. He'd taken a nasty spill on the asphalt and Ellen was going to throw a fit. He noticed the van was gone someone was probably out doing something. He grimaced as he used his t-shirt to wipe off the blood that was already beading up to the surface of his arm. He reached down to the passenger seat of the car and got a red bandana, which he wrapped around his bleeding bicep. It didn't really hurt him, he was just very inconvenienced by it, considering he had been shot, cut, and broken since he was 6 he had a pretty high pain tolerance. He slammed the door of his car and trudged up the sidewalk. He put his shirt back on then pulled out his phone to check the time, 6:02, Ellen was going to smack him for being late for sure. Dean loved his adoptive mother, she was tough and he knew she'd die for any one of her kids, but she was very picky about stupid things, like being home on time. Dean walked in the door and saw everyone at the table waiting for him.

"Sorry guys traffic was hell." Dean lied, he kicked off his boots and walked to the dinning room. Dean noticed that Ed's arm was wrapped with a red stained bandage, Dean saw the tell tale pink bags of Victoria's Secret dropped on the floor of the living room. Dean pulled out his chair to the right of Bobby's, which was the head of the table.

"Dean!! Guess what!! Harry cut me today!! Mom told me that you'd clean my wound for me!" Ed squealed. Dean smiled, "Well I can show you how to do it yourself, while I give Charlie, Jo, Sam and Garth their gun lesson, alright?"

Ed nodded vigorously and went back to his and Harry's conversation about how bad it would hurt if Harry poked the wound with his fork.

"Hey Bobby," Dean smiled at his father figure, "How was Canada?"

Bobby chuckled and took a deep breath, "Well son, it was awesome. I stole a Monet and some mo-ney." Bobby laughed his deep belly laugh at his own joke. Everyone at the table laughed, not because the joke was funny but because it was so bad. Dean groaned at the bad joke slapping his face with the palm of his hand.

"How was home while I was gone?" Bobby asked Dean.

Dean shrugged, "I finally wrote my birthday list which I put on the 'fridge I also bought Sam's birthday present. Oh, and we started school today, as you probably already know."

Bobby nodded, "It is weird that y'all started class on a Wednesday. Back in my day we had school all year round! With weeklong breaks every month. Now, Peanut how bout you?"

Dean shoveled some of Ellen's magnificent roast beef into his mouth while Sam started telling about her last week. The dinner went on like that until everyone went. Then Dean and Bela brought their dished to the counter and were told to go prep the shooting area in the basement.

It was always odd to Dean that their house used to be a Gun store. Bobby bought out the store when he married Ellen, They used their honeymoon heist money to buy it and turn it into a house. Bobby always says it was the best investment they ever made other than us kids because the basement had a soundproofed shooting area. The basement of the house was somewhere the kids were never allowed to bring their friends. It was covered floor to ceiling in mats, other than the shooting area, to learn hand-to-hand combat along with knives training and stealth. The family business was fun, it was like a family hobby except for while other families go rock climbing or white water rafting; the Winchesters are thieves and assassins. Bobby had everyone assigned a role. Bobby and Ellen always took point; they were always ready to take the fall just in case anyone got caught. Bela was the grifter or the actress, she could seduce people, make people feel bad for her, weasel secrets out of people faster than any other person Dean had met. Jo was the Daredevil and the kleptomaniac. She has jumped off buildings, has driven a motorcycle into a window, anything risky she was up for. She has also stolen basically her entire wardrobe. But she was also an amazing strategist and comes up with the plans for most of the family's outings.

Charlie was the hacker, Dean had yet to see any electronic device stump her, and she even changed his grades once for him within 15 minutes. Sam was the gymnast, When Sam was 3 she started going to gymnastics and has been going ever since, she has the upper body strength of the Hulk and Dean has seen his little sister use only her arm strength to move along the ceiling, parallel to the floor. Garth was the odds and ends guy, and everyone's moral support, Garth was also their field medic, and he was good with blood and needles and such and never flinched at a broken bone.

And then there was Dean. Dean was the muscle; He was a 3rd degree black belt and trained in 35 different fighting styles armed and unarmed. Last summer Ellen and Bobby had sent Dean to France for two months, where a man named Philippe became Dean's mentor in all things combat. He'd been shot, cut, and broken until he was the best he could be. Dean had been in love with guns ever since Bobby introduced him to them when he was 6, but after France Dean had a soft spot for knives. Dean was also the mechanic of the group another burning passion of his. He loved cars, especially his car, which with his own saved heist money he bought and rebuilt it from the ground up.

When Dean and Bela went down stairs they each took out the materials they'd need to teach their lessons. Dean opens up the gun safe and pulls out two Berretta pistols, checks the clip and balance. Dean was just going to do a routine draw and fire situation in which he would set up some old clothes and see reaction time for each person to shoot them. A while back Dean had rigged up a clothesline on a pulley that he just had to pull the rope and it would whisk around anything he had clothes-pinned to the rope. The most accurate person wouldn't have to do their morning chore for a week; least accurate would have to it for them.

Bela takes out the 'dress up box'. Dean hated this drill. Bela would give a scenario and they had to dress to the occasion hide at least three weapons on them and either hit a target or be the target and try to avoid being 'killed'. Loser had to do dishes. Dean wasn't too good at acting; he was very much a blunt guy. Stealth and dressing up was hard for him because he had to pretend to like and chat casually with douchebags and airheads. 

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