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His first thought at seeing the venue in flames was that Bobby was supposed to be waiting for them inside incase they needed any help. He talked into his com, not caring who heard at this point, "Jo? JO! What the hell? Everything is insane here. Jo! Come in Jo!"

Sam already had her phone out to call Ellen and Bela with Charlie.

He opened the door of the limo and looked at the wreckage. There were over 4 ambulances and 5 fire trucks. People were crawling around the police tape trying to get a good look at what had happened. There were many people wrapped in blankets getting comforted for shock, sitting a safe distance away from the fire.

Dean couldn't believe it. The best mark of the year. They one heist they had been planning for what felt like years was literally going down in flames. He scanned the crowd for Bobby but couldn't find him. However he did see one familiar face... one that he was seeing a little too much of recently if you asked him.

He leaned down and said, "Cas... that Baboon guy is here."

Her face was twisted with confusion, "Baboon gu-" her face lit up with realization. That nerd from school that kept following her around. Why the hell was he here.

"Any sign of Dad?" Bela's voice came out a little broken. Dean shook his head, "No. But come on Duchess, we are about to get some answers."

Bela composed herself and took out her fake state dinner sash from under the seat of the limousine as Dean went to the other side of the vehicle to open her door for her. Using his offered hand she got out of the limo and he escorted her to a woman who looked in charge.

"Hello, I am the Duchess of Cambridge I was to attend this evening's gala. What happened here?"

"Oh, uh ...there was an explosion in the main hall.... your highness?" the she was clearly not prepared in anyway to speak to dignitaries.

"As her head of security" Dean began in his best british accent, "I will need to know more details."

The officer sighed and looked at them, "listen. I'm sorry but we are spread really thin right now. I don't have time to be answering questions. Here." She shoved a stapled stack of papers at Dean, "Here is the preliminary report. If you need anything else go to the station."

And with that the officer walked off back to the chaos.

As they walked back to the limo Dean pointed out Barley to Bela.

"See that kid. Tall, really could use a burger or two? That's the guy who has been basically stalking Cas. He wasn't supposed to be here tonight I can almost guarantee you, I saw him just before we left and he was in plain clothes."

Bela nodded, glancing over at him a couple times. Dean could tell that her thoughts were surrounding Bobby being MIA, and Jo/Charlie/and Ellen weren't answering.

By the time they go back, Sam had managed to get a hold of Ellen but she couldn't hear her because of static. That just made Bela worry more, and Dean couldn't blame her one bit.

Sam was biting her fingernails again and Bela wasn't focused enough to reprimand her for it. The fire danced on their irises as they stared at the burning building without being able to look away. Dean breathed deeply, got out and started marching toward the fire. He would tear down the place brick by brick if it meant finding answers.

"DEAN NO!" Sam called, "Come back"

Dean had no intention of listening until he heard a noise that broke his heart.

"...Please..." Sam's voice cracked softly as if she was trying to hold back tears. At that point Cas had already gotten out of the car to, what seemed like, physically drag him back to the car. Her face was hardened but he could tell she was worried.

Dean turned and took another breath, walking back to the limo. He and Cas sat back down and the driver took off back to the Winchester Residence.

He started, "Ok. Game Plan... We need a game plan."

And with that the phone rang. 

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