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Dean was pissed, Ellen could tell. He had this silent way of brooding he's had since he was a kid and it was always annoying. Unlike any other kid who would cry or scream or even full on tantrum when they didn't get what they wanted or they were angry Dean would always get quiet with a pissed off expression. Dean was the loser of Bela's Dress up challenge so he was in the process of washing the dinner dishes. Elle worried about him for the Art auction, where he's needed to be in a tux and make polite conversations with heiresses. In that moment Ellen realized she forgot to tell everyone over dinner about the surprise heist.

"FAMILY MEETING!" Ellen called through the house. She heard her kids run down the stairs and up the stairs sounding like a herd of elephants. When everyone was settled in the living room Ellen went to her room and pulled out the plans.

"Okay, so you know how I told you we are all going to d something fun as a family soon? Well I decided to surprised you all by finding us a job near town!" Bela's eyes got wide and Charlie and Jo grabbed each other's hands in excitement. Sam and Dean both paled a little bit.

"What wrong you two? You guys are normally jumping up and down at this sort of thing? I haven't even told you what it is" Ellen asked her two kids.

Sam sighed, "Pleasepleaseplease tell me this isn't this weekend."

Ellen grinned, "Yep it's Friday night! And you know what the best bit is? You guys all need to bring dates! Like members of the opposite sex, well all but Charlie and Garth. They'll stay in the van. This is a very high-end art auction and I'm challenging you all with this. Goal is to steal a priceless Van Gogh. The attendees of this auction are going to be a very wide range of rich and fancy people bidding on the painting amongst other things. So don't get caught, also don't let your dates in on what's happening. I bought dresses for Jo and Sam already and I'm picking up your tux from the store tomorrow Dean. I decided to let Bela pick out her own dress as long as she takes Dean's date shopping with her." Dean's mouth hung open. Sam and Jo looked relieved not to have to go shopping but yet excited to see the dresses.

Dean stood up, "Ellen could I talk to you for a minute in private." Ellen looked at her oldest and nodded taking him to the kitchen.

"What's up Dean?" Ellen asked him in the I'm-your-mother-but-still-trying-to-act-like-your-friend voice.

"I'm busy Friday night." He looked like he just accidently kicked a puppy.

Ellen raised an eyebrow, "Oh? What's so important that you miss a family outing?"

Dean lifted his chin a bit; "I have a date with a really nice girl. A casual first date that sure as hell isn't ready for an art auction."

Ellen put a hand on her hip, "Dean, sweet-ums, you know what's adorable, the fact that you think you have a choice. If you won't invite this girl them I'll have Bela do it." And with that Ellen walked back to the living room where everyone was tittering about what they were going to wear and what weapons they could bring. Dean called out to her, "Oh by the way, Gabe's sister wants our whole family over for dinner tomorrow, I told them we'd be there."

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