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Cas slipped on her red dress over her newly made up hair and face. Tonight was a night of firsts for her. She'd be seeing some of her favorite works up close and personal. She'd be in a dress with a handsome guy on her arm at a GALA. And she'd be aiding, basically an accomplice to, criminals steal some of her favorite works. What a night. Anna had put her hair half up in a bun and the rest curled and down. She had dark red lipstick on and black pumps. She'd never felt so pretty before in her life. She smiled and twirled.

"YO CASSY?! Are you almost ready to go? Dean-o's gonna be here soon." Gabe shouted.

"I'll be right there!" She yelled back down. She put some sparkly dangling earrings in and walked down the stairs. She heard a car pull up in the driveway and got very excited. This is gonna be so much fun.

There was a knock at the door and Cas opened it to see... Brackett?

"Hiya.. " He stopped short, "My god." He was speechless.


"Oh, uh Hi Brackett. Now is a really bad time. I have a thing in like two minutes."

"You look beautiful... nono you look exquisite... no you look picturesque. There are no words." Brackett stuttered.

"Beat it kid. We got a thing." Gabe said over Cas' shoulder. Gabe looked very handsome in his White tux with black dress shirt and black bowtie. Also a little formidable.

"Oh, uh yeah. I guess I should've called, but last night you just kind of screamed at that Dean guy and ran back inside and then you weren't in class and I wanted to make sure you were OK." Brackett said nervously as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly

"You mean her boyfriend, Dean." Gabe said condescendingly, "Speaking of..."

The impala pulled up just as Gabe began speaking. Dean parked and got out. He looked drop dead gorgeous. His hair was artfully tousled He wore a black tux with a black dress shirt and a black tie. His green eyes sparkled. In his hand he held a single white rose.

"Dean-o! We were just talking about you!" Gabe yelled over to him.

"Hey G-man." Dean bro fisted Gabe. Then he turned to Castiel, "For you, my angel" And offered her the rose. Cas sent a panicked look to Gabe to see if he noticed Dean referring to her as angel. From what she could tell he hadn't. Cas couldn't help but thinking how old fashioned Dean was when it came to dating. She could feel herself blushing, "Thank you." She murmured.

Dean brushed her hair behind her ear, bent over and kissed her cheek. She could feel her blush deepen. Dean whispered in her ear, "You look stunning." Then he pulled back and grinned, "Your chariot awaits m'lady. Had her washed this morning."

Cas and Gabe walked out the front door and shut and locked it.

Dean put one arm around Cas' waist and ushered her to the car. He walked her to the side door and opened it for her. When she was settled she saw Brackett still by the door looking at her with a look of utter betrayal. 

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