Good Luck Charlie (Or is it Teddy?)

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I was on the couch video chatting with Spencer. These last eleven months have been brutal. Not having my best friend by my side during this past year has completely changed my mood. I am now just a shell of the girl I used to be. How could I not be? My world is slowly falling apart.

"So how are things with your girlfriend?" I ask trying not to cringe. Hearing about Spencer's girlfriend makes me want to throw up, but never asking about her is suspicious. It's hard finding the right balance.

"They're good, we're going to this smoothie place tonight." He kept on talking, put I spaced out.

I remember when Spencer used to work at that one smoothie shack. I can't help but think of every time I would visit him during his ten minute breaks. We would talk about the most random things. Suddenly every happy memory me and Spencer came down down on me, except for one that hit me like a ton of bricks.


"Teddy, can you please go get me another towel for Charlie?" Mom asks me while trying to dry off Charlie's tiny torso with an extra small towel, practically a washcloth. Mom had just finished giving my little sister her bath.

"Sure." I mutter and stand up. I open the cabinet in the right side of the room and take out one of the cruise ship's complimentary towels. I grab the red towel and toss it to my mom, accidentally smacking her in the face and Charlie bursts out laughing. "Sorry!" I apologize, and she peels the towel off of her face and rolls her eyes.

An alarm suddenly blasts into the room, and we all flinch. "Why is it making a 'beep beep beep' sound?" Charlie asks, and I look over to Mom. She frantically tries to pulls some pants up onto Charlie's legs, and throws the nearest shirt, which happens to be mine, onto her torso, making it look like she's wearing a nightgown.

"Mom, what's going on?" I ask completely confused, and she picks up Charlie off of the floor.

"Just follow me." she says shakily, and we run outside of the room. I hear the same annoying beeping alarm going off in the ship's hallway and see panicked families flood out into the hallway and I finally connect the dots; this ship is sinking.

My mind instantly wanders off to my brothers and my dad. I know that Pj's at the game room, and Gabe's with Dad, eating at the buffet, and I can only pray that they make it to the lifeboats safely. My mind then settles to Spencer. He left early this morning to go swimming, I'm sure he didn't expect to be swimming with the sharks today.

We push past the large groups of people and manage to make it to the main deck where staff members were giving out directions.

"Do not panic! They are plenty of lifeboats for everyone here! There is hundreds of life jackets in this bin, I suggest you all take one. Lifeboats are to your right!" The woman shouts out. I look around for Mom and Charlie, but they're nowhere to be seen.

"Mom, Charlie?" I call out, running forwards to see if they had gone to pick up a life jacket. Unfortunately, they weren't there. I snatch a life jacket from the huge wired basket, and try to buckle it onto me as fast as I can.

I decide that I can't waste any time looking for them, so I climb into a lifeboat and pray for the best. Two families are crammed into the lifeboat with me, none of which are mine. Two out of the three kids are crying while the third one just looks as if he's about to pass out.

The tiny boat gets lowered down and and splashes into the bitter ocean. I hug my knees to my chest, and feel my cheeks start to dampen from my tears. I look over across from the boat that I'm in and see Spencer waving over to me in another small boat, still in his swimming trunks. I wave back, a glimmer of hope igniting inside me.

In an instant, the lifeboat is flipped over and I let out a scared shriek as I fall into the ocean.

"Teddy! Teddy!" Spencer was screaming to see if I had drowned. He jumps out of the lifeboat that he was inside, and swims over to me. I hold onto part of a wooden plank, and tried to make my way over to him. I pulled him up onto the plank.

The sound of families screaming for their children filled the air, leaving me in a panic.

One second I was in my cruise ship room, the next I was rushing off the boat. Things can change so quickly, throwing our lives into a different direction.

This cruise ship was supposed to be safe, I never imagined that it would be sinking before my very eyes right now. It's was all like one vivid nightmare, except I was never asleep, it was all painfully real.

I look behind me and see almost all of my family stuffed inside of a tiny boat, clinging onto each other in fear for their lives. I can see my mom whispering soothing things into Charlie's ear as she start to bawl. I can't believe that this was actually happening. Never in a million years I thought that this would ever happen to us. That's when I noticed that not everyone I loved was in that lifeboat. Everyone was in there...except for one.

That was the day we lost a Duncan.


"Teddy! Teddy!" I looked back at the laptop screen.

"I've been yelling your name for three minutes, are you okay?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Yeah...yeah, I just thought of...of the day, the cruise ship...sunk."

"Try not to think about it. That was a terrible day, and all it does is make you cry." he mutters, looking down. I know that day affected him too. It leaves massive trauma on you once you see so much pain afflicted on everyone around you, including yourself. "So anyway, how's things with you and your boyfriend?"

", they're good, our anniversary is coming up so that's cool." To tell you, I don't feel anything with my boyfriend, but I really need to move on. But I didn't tell him that. I find myself wanting to get out of this conversation as soon as possible, so I end it."Well, I gotta go, I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said trying my best to fake a smile.

"Hey, try to be happy." Well I guess he could tell I was faking.

"Kay. Bye Spence." I shut the laptop, and plugged in my earbuds. I scrolled through my song until I found the one I was looking for: Say Something. This song is exactly what my life is like, but the sad part is, my life wasn't always like this.

I unplugged my earbuds, just in time for mom to yell that dinner was ready. I got up stretched, and walked into dining room/kitchen. "So what's for tonight?" I ask.

"Italian." she replies, and sets the plate down in front of me. I frown, and look down at my feet.

"That was his favorite..." I whisper, and she bites her bottom lip.

"I know honey."

We sit at the dinner table and dig into our food all but him, for he was gone. I gotta tell you, ever since he died my life has been a living nightmare. First my wonderful brother died, then Ivy ditched me, Spencer went to Boston for a music school A.K.A our breakup, and then I got kicked off the drama club. Things literally couldn't be worse.

We may have picked on each other all the time, but I will always miss my older brother Pj...

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