Chapter thirty five

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Someone knocks on the door, and I walk over ro the door, and find my family standing there. "Hey!" I greet them, and my mother smiles at me. They walk inside, and mom sits on the couch, while the kids and Gabe go to my room. "So, how's everything going?" I ask, as I join to my mother on the couch.

"Good. How has work been?." She asks, and flashes me a smile. For the past week, Ivy and I have been working at our jobs at the mall. I work at Starbucks as a baresta, and Ivy works at a video store. Pretty boring jobs, but they'll pay the bills for now.

'It's going well. All of my other co-workers have been very kind, so I'm happy about that." I respond, and she nods. "It does feel weird not having the kids with me all the time though." I say, with a frown. I haven't seen much of Charlie or Toby this week, and it makes me sad. "But anyway, how was Dad when he went to work today?" I ask, changing the subject. I know it must be hard for Dad to work for one of his top competitors.

"He was actually doing surprisingly well." Mom says, and I'm shocked. Dad doesn't usually swallow his pride this quickly. "I think he is just really happy to have any job." Mom says, and I nod as Pj walks in from the bathroom.

'Hey Mom." He says, as he sits down on the brown reclining chair across from us.

"Hi Pj, how have you been today?" She asks, and Pj leans back in the chair.

"I've been good. Taking care of a baby definitaly isn't easy though." He says. Through the past week, Pj has been having to take care of Ivy's daughter, Teddy, while we're at work. Ivy has offered to pay him several times, but he always says that having a temporary roof over his head is all he needs.

"Don't I know it." Mom says, with a small laugh. I do not know how she was able to deal with five kids at once, Charlie and Toby alone, took all of my energy. I don't know how she was able to deal with us, and have a full time job at the same time.

"I don't know how you did it." I say, and she sighs as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"It was hard. But, it's a blessing to have five amazing kids, and I never once regretted having any of you. That's the key I guess, never have any regrets." She says, and I still can't conprehend it all. Gabe walks out from my room with a terrified look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask, standing up from the couch,

"It's Charlie. She was running around the room, and bumped into your dresser, and hit her head. It won't stop bleeding." Gabe explains quickly, and all of our faces turn pale, We all run over to my room, and I gasp at the sight in front of me.

"Call an ambulance!"


Five hours later, and my shift is over, I walk home in my uniform. It was a adecent day today, same as all the others. I'm craving for a change in my life, a good one. Every day for the past two years has been exactly the same, and I just can't help but wonder, when will my life begin? Don't get me wrong, I love my family, and am very appreciative to have a (torn up) roof over my head, and (worn out) shoes on my feet, I just want to be able to travel the world, you know? Life is a book and those who do not travel, read only one page, one of my favorite quotes. I look up above my head, and it starats to run. I begin to run all the way back to my house, and make it back in ten minutes.

I swing the door open, and quickly close it. "Are you okay, honey? I'll go get you a towel." Mom says, and rushes to the bathroom. She comes back a minute later, and wraps the towel around my shoulders. "How was work today?" She asks, as we take a seat on the couch.

"It was good. How was your day?" I ask, and she smiles.

"It was good, I knit you a new scarf today." Mom says cheerfully, as she holds up a yellow knit scarf in her small hands. My mom has made all of our clothes ever since my sister was born, but I don't mind, It makes her happy.

"Thanks, Mom. I love it." I say, as I take the scarf out of her hands. I don't know how my mother can manage to keep a smile on her face, when she has been through so much pain. I guess she has always looked at the bright side of things. Mom gives me a small smile, before she walks over to the kitchen to make dinner. I stand up from the couch and walk over to my sister's room like I do every day after I come home from work.

"Hi Beau!" Amber says cheerfully, as she looks up from her old torn up book that she has re-read at least, six times.

"Hey darling, how was school today?" I ask , and her face brightens up. Amber loves to learn more than anything, and that is a good quality to have. With the little money that we do have, we use it to be able to have her be able to go to public school.

"It was great! Today in Literature, we read more of "Freckle Juice"!" She says excitedly, and I'm happy for her. More than anything, Amber loves to read and write. Almost every time I see her, she's either reading a book, or writing one.

"That's great, Amber." I say, and take a sit down next to her. She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, and I smile. "I love you." I say to her, and she looks up at me.

"I love you too." Amber says, as she gives me a smile.

"Dinner is ready!" My mother calls, and me and my sister rush out of the small bedroom.

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