Chapter forty five

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I quickly outbid a woman for a plane ticket to Denver, and stand up from my computer. I pace around my room, and run a hand through my hair. I'm becoming more fidgety lately, and it's starting to freak me out. I grab my phone and run out of my apartment as quickly as I can. The noisy sound of traffic greets me, and I call over a cab. "Take me to the airport that's nearest to here." I tell the man, and he starts to drive. I stare at the window as the city starts to fade away.

"Sure thing." The low voiced man says, and I lean back in the cheap fabric seats. I hope that Teddy doesn't mind me going over for a while. The only way that I can stop Teddy from falling in love with Bobby, or whatever his name is, is to stop her from going anywhere near him. It's the only thing that can save her from a terrible heartbreak, and Josh getting revenge. The thought of Teddy curled up on the couch with tear stains on her cheeks is just too much for me to handle. The man parks in the airport, and I quickly pay him.

I run as fast as I can, and thank god that I never quit volleyball while I was in high school. I rush through the doors, and it's very crowded. The one day I come here is seriously the same day that everyone decides to come here too. It makes sense I guess, New York is very popular.

A hour ticks by, and it's finally time to board the plane. It's weird, I've been boarding a lot of planes this month. I take my seat inside of the cramped plane and lean back in the plastic chair. I can only pray that this trip will be a decent one.


I sit there, gaping at the wall. It's been five minutes since MTV called and told me that we got the reality position. I still can't believe, I mean, things like that just don't happen. I spring up from the couch, and call Ivy. "Hello?"

"Ivy! You'll never guess who just called me!" I say.

"Justin Timberlake?"

"What? No! MTV, Ivy, we're going to be on reality TV!" I yell, and I hear her squeal over the phone.

"Are you serious?" She asks, and I smile widely even though she can't see me. I don't think I've ever been so excited in my entire life, except for when my young siblings were born, of course. This opportunity is going to solve all of our many, many, problems, and it feels like a weight as been lifted off my shoulders.

"Of course I'm serious!" I yell, and she screams again. "Um, aren't you at work?" 

"Oh yeah, I am." Ivy says, and I shake my head. "I'm leaving right now! I'll just tell the manager that I feel sick or something."

"Aren't you a great employee." I say, and I can just picture her rolling her eyes. There's a knock at the door, and I quickly tell Ivy that I have to go. 

I open the door, and see Beau. "Hey!" I say cheerfully, and he smiles.

"Hey, Teddy! I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk in the park with me." He says.

"I would love to." I say as I grab his arm. The sun shines down on us, and I honestly can't ask for a more beautiful day.

"So, anything new happen?" Beau asks, and I smile.

"Uh, yes actually." 


"Yeah, my family us going to have their own reality TV show." I say with a laugh. "You know, just your normal everyday stuff." I say sarcastically.

"Wow." He says, and I nod my head.

"Yeah, it's been quite the day." I giggle. I notice all of the leaves starting to grow back on the branches, and it looks very beautiful. I can faintly hear birds chirping off in the distance, and see dragonflies hovering around the park pond. The smell of freshly cut grass fills my nose, and I let out a relaxed sigh.

 "Happy?" Beau asks me, and I nod.

"There hasn't been a nice day like this in ages." I say, and he nods in agreement.

"I know. It's wonderful to be able to be outside again." He says.

"So, there's something I thought you should know." I say, and he looks at me.


"Well, my ex-boyfriend is going to visit for a while." I say slowly, and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Oh...well thanks for telling me. May I ask why?" Beau asks, and I look down.

"We're still friend. You don't have to worry though, Spencer and I are never getting back together."

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