Chapter fifty two

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"Well, who would want to work in this dump anyway?" I yell, as I storm out of the video store. "I can't believe this." I mumble, and pull my phone out of my pocket.

"Hello?" Teddy asks, as I walk out of the mall.

"I have bad news, I just got fired." I say, and ball my hands into fists out of frustration.

"What did you do?" She asks with a sigh.

"Why do you assume that it's something that I did?" I scoff, and I can picture her rolling her eyes. "Okay, it was something that I did, but to be be fair, that customer was being extremely difficult." I defend myself.

"I can't talk right now, Ivy." Teddy sighs, and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What, is something wrong?" I ask, full of concern.

"I have to go, I'll talk to you later." She says, and hangs up on me.

"What was that all about?" I ask no one in particular. I get in my car, and start to drive home, trying to figure out why Teddy is all worked up. She's always has so much on her plate, if I can help her in anyway, I will. Although, for the last few weeks, I've done nothing but work. I like making my own money, and spending it on stuff that makes me happy, like most teenage girls. I drive back home, and sigh when I see that no one is home.

"Where is she?" I sit down on the couch. She is nineteen, if she needed my help she would have asked for it. I'm sure she's fine, I'm her friend, not her babysitter. I trun on the TV, and watch Shark Tank for a half an hour, before deciding that I'm bored. I hear my daughter start to cry from the her nursery, and walk over to her small room.

"Hi, Teddy!" I say cheerfully, and she stops crying. I hope that she hasn't been alone for too long, but I trust Teddy enough to know that she wasn't. "Let''s go get you something to eat." I say with a smile, and walk over to the kitchen. I set down my eight month old baby in her high chair. I open up the cabinet and take out some macaroni and cheese, and set it in the microwave, and pour some formula into a sippy cup.

"I love you, my princess."


"Who was that?" Skylar asks, as I hang up my cell phone.

"It was just Ivy. Apparently, she just got fired for yelling at a customer." I say, with a frustrated sigh.


"She really shouldn't have gotten a job dealing with people anyway." I say, and the lady starts to paint my toes.

"So, enough about me, how has your life been going?" She asks, and I laugh bitterly.

"I don't really want to talk about my life. Long story short, it sucks." I say, and she stays silent.

"I'm sorry." Skylar says, and I sigh.

"It's alright, you have nothing to do with it." I say, and she leans back in her seat.

"Well, shoot. I really wanted someone to make me feel better about my crappy life." She says, and I sigh.

"I'll tell you a few details, but not everything." I say, and she squeals in excitement.


"Well, for one thing, I'm friends with Spencer again." I say, and she gasps.


"I know it sounds crazy, but I just can't live without him." i say,  before my mouth can stop me.

" love him?"

"What? No! Let's talk about something else." I say, quickly trying to change the subject.

"It's too late to change the subject now. You have to tell me more!" Skylar pleads, and I groan.

"Spencer and I are friends again there's nothing more to say." I grunt, and she looks at me, with a smile.

"Whatever you say." She says in a sing-song voice, and I shake my head, but stay silent. 

"It's a shame that you don't like Spencer, because I give amazing love advice." Skylar says, trying to convince me to admit any feelings that I may have for Spencer.

"I don't need anyone love advice."

"Well, you're getting some anyway. If you deny your feelings toward Spencer forever, you're going to lose him, and never get him back. So, I have a question for you. Would you rather be alone, or be with you soul mate? Because hun, pride won't get you anywhere." She says, and I furrow my eyebrows.

"That would be great advice, if, I actually liked Spencer." I say, and she groans.

"You're really stubborn, you know?" She asks, and I shrug my shoulders.

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