Chapter thirty seven

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Dedicated to @booklover2019, she made this new amazing cover! She also has her own two GLC stories, check 'em out!

Two weeks later...


"So, have you found a place to live yet?" I ask Olivia, and she nods. I'm having lunch with Olivia, and she's really nice company. As each week goes on, I get more and more excited to move to New York. 

"Yeah, it's a really nice place. You know, there's lot of more rooms in the apartment if you are still looking for a place to stay." She says, and I'm pretty sure that my face lights up. 

"Really?" I ask, and she nods.

"Yeah, I can send you some information about it if you'd like." Olivia offers, and I nod frantically. The past few weeks, I had been searching for an apartment but have had no luck. I take a bite out of my cheese burger, and she takes a bite out of her salad.

"So, are you excited for the move?" I ask her, as I yawn. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, to worried about committing a felony in order to steal a cat for my money obsessed father. 

"Definitely, my mother lives up there." Olivia's parents divorced when she was six, and doesn't really see her mother that much. 

"How is your mom?" I ask, and she sighs.

"She's doing better." She says with a small smile. Her mom apperantly has a dentancy to date a guy for one week, the find a new one. Olivia says that it really annoys her.

"That's great." I say, and she smiles. My phone alarm goes off, and I spring up from my seat. "I um, have to go. It was great having lunch with you!" I shout, as I run out of the glass doors.

I rush to my car, and start the engine. That was our lunch break and in five minutes, my class is going to start. I speed back to my collage, and quickly park my car. I grab my keys and run to class as my legs will carry me. Right when I walk back into the building the bell rings, and I walk inside of my class.


I flip through channels on the TV, and finally decide to turn the TV off. I wish I had my own place, but in order to have my own place, I need a job. I stand up from the couch, and grab the grocery lst and money that Teddy left on the counter that she left for me to go to the store. I walk out the door, and start to walk to the store. I shove my hand inside of my jean pockets, and sigh. I really need my own place to live, but working at a bakery won't get me anywhere I wish that things could go back to what is was like before this mess. I make it to Walmart, and take out the grocery list. I bump into someone, and the list falls from my hands. "Oh, I'm sorry." The man says, and bends down to pick up the list.

"Emmett?" I ask, and he smiles.

"Hey, man! How are you?" He asks.

"I'm good. How long has it been?" I ask, and he shrugs.

"About a year." Emmett says, and I nod.

"Too long. How have you been?" I ask with a smile.

"Good. I actually just started collage." He says, and I wonder what he's Majoring in.

"What are you going for?" I ask, and he puts his hands in his vest pockets.

"I'm going to be a lawyer." Emmett says, and his smile shrinks a bit.

"Really? It doesn't really seem like you." I say, and he shrugs. I am actually pretty shocked that he would go to collage for that, and not something that he liked to do. I guess peoples interests change after an entire year.

"Well, it'll pay the bills. I'm saving up to move to California by the time I find a girl, and decide to settle down. Right now I'm living in an apartment a few miles down from here. I'm actually looking for a roommate if you're interested." Emmett says, and my eyes widen.

"Really? Y-yeah, that would be great!" I say, and my smile grows. This is perfect, I've been wanting to have a roof over my head that isn't my sister and her friend's.

"Awesome! It's on Walnut Street, by the daycare. When will you be able to move in?" Emmett asks me, and I run a hand through my hair.

"As soon as you'll have me." I say, and he nods.

"Does next week sound good?" He asks, and I nod. "Great! I'll see you next week." Emmett says, and I nod as he walks out of the store. I pump my arm, and jump off the concrete floor. I'm going to finally have my own place!


I'm at my job in a small coffee shop at the mall. It's called "Kayley's Coffee place" and before I started working here, I had never heard of it before. "Duncan, the shop is empty right now, I want you to clean the tables." My boss, Kayley, tells me as she picks at her perfectly manicured nails. Her dad is rich, and apparently bought her this coffee shop for her birthday last month. The reason why it's always empty is because, she rarely ever manages this place.

"Alright." I sigh, and go to the supply closet and grab a washcloth, and spray. When I come back out the shopo is still empty, and Kayley is gone. I groan, and walk over to one of the already spotless tables. This place is always spotless, and I know the only reason that she makes me do this crap is because, she likes to watch people squirm. I set down the cloth on the table, and decide to take my lunch break. I grab a coffee and a turkey sandwich, and sit down at one of the tables. I don't know how the design of this place doesn't bring customers in, it looks gorgeous from the outside, and the inside. I quickly finish my small lunch, and walk back over to the cash register.

A bell rings, indicating that a customer just walked in. I quickly stand up straight, and groan when I realize that it was only Ivy. "Well, hello to you too." She says sarcastically, and look down.

"Sorry, I just thought that you were a customer." I say, running a hand through my messy hair.

"Slow day?" Ivy asks, and I nod.

"Not one customer has walked in today." I grunt, and Ivy looks at me sympathetically. "How's the business at "The Movie Palace"?" I ask, and she sighs.

"Stupid! Who would go to a video store when you can just watch anything online?" She says, and throws her hands in the air from frustration.

"You sound tired. Want a coffee?" I ask, and she nods.

"Yes please, I'm having trouble staying awake. Kayley special please." She says, and I give her a glare. "Sorry, but come on! It's tastes just likes cupcakes, and is covered with sprinkles!" Ivy defends her favorite coffee, and I roll my eyes. I walk back to make the coffee, and I do have to agree with her, it is delicious. I grab the coffee, and hand it to her. "Thanks." Ivy says, and I give her a small nod. The bell rings, and a man with lots of flyers walks in. 

"Hello, I was wondering if I could hang this outside the window of this establishment?" He asks, and hands me a flyer. It's an audition to see if your family is worth being in a reality show. The pay is huge, and my eyes widen. 

"Yeah, I guess." I say, and he gives me a smile, and hangs a sheet up through the window. He walks out of here, and I smile at Ivy. "Ivy, this is perfect! My life is basically a drama anyway, it would solve all of our financial problems!" I yell excitedly, and Ivy looks at the flyer skeptically.

"I don't know T..." She trails off.

"I know, reality TV is stupid, but this could work. Plus it's audition, we probably won't even get it anyway, but it couldn't hurt to try." I say, and she sighs.

"I guess. When's the audition?" Ivy asks, and I look down at the sheet.

"A week." I say, and she smiles a little bit.

"And you guys aren't stupid like most people on TV." She nods her head, putting two and two together.

"I know! I'm going to tell my family about it when my shift is over. I know that my mom would love to do it, you remember how desperatly she wants to be on TV." I say, nodding. This could work.

Good Luck Charlie (Or is it Teddy?)Where stories live. Discover now