Chapter three

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I stare at the little word 'Boston' for at least three minutes before I finally click refresh. Suddenly, Boston is replaced with Denver and I breathe out a sigh of relief. Thank God. It would be impossible that I were to be in Boston anyway, takes a plane just to get there. I lean up against the green slide while crossing my arms. I still have no idea what neighborhood I'm in, I can only hope that it's not too far away from my home. 

The wind blows my blonde hair into my face, and I sigh a huff of frustration. The storm is still apparently going on, leaving me frustrated. I begin to wonder how long it's been since I first passed out, and turn on my badly cracked phone to check the time.

"How can it have been an hour already?" I think aloud, and think back to the conversation I had with Spencer. I probably scared him half to death! I start to dial his number when suddenly the screen goes black. I really should charge my phone more.

It starts raining. At first it's only little sprinkles of water, but after several minutes it's full on pouring, because when it rains it pours. I scramble to get back inside of the thick slide tube and quickly slam the side shut. What kind of slide has doors, anyway? Well, one door. The other half, however, is completely door-less, allowing small droplets of water to fall into the right side. I stare out the side that has no door and watch the rain falls roughly. I can barely make out a strike of lighting before it vanishes. 

I squeeze my eyes shut and try to pretend that I'm anywhere else. I imagine that I'm stuck in that cramped tube from the time that I had a job as an octopus for a kid's birthday party, waiting for my dad to come help me. I crack a smile at the painfully embarrassing memory and open my eyes to the painfully scary moment that's happening right now. I'm not usually afraid of silly thunderstorm, but I have a feeling that this is more than a silly thunderstorm. If it really was just a silly thunderstorm, then how could it have lifted this slide up from the ground with me in it?

Then of course there's the matter of my family. How are they right now? Are they safe? Oh God, I hope they're safe. I'm probably in more danger than they are in right now by being outside, so that has to mean that they are okay, right? Finally getting sick of asking questions that can't be answered, I fall asleep listening to the harsh whistles of the wind.


Several hours later...

My plane lands and I push past everyone else to get out as fast as I can. It's a miracle that I was even able to buy a plane ticket to Denver on such short notice, now all that's left to do is find Teddy. It boggles my mind as to how this one girl is able to make me buy a two-hundred dollar plane ticket to Denver, Colorado the second after she hangs up. I don't have time to be confused about how I feel. I only time to think about how I plan to find her, which is going to be particularly tricky considering the only information I have about her is that she said that she was in a slide at a park.

I walk out of the airport, wondering how long ago the storm ended. The sky is completely normal, several feathery clouds lining the sky. I start to run into the direction of the nearest park and decide to start looking there. As I run I take notice of all of the caved in houses that I pass by and my heart race speeds up. Images of Teddy lying on the ground, lifeless, fills my mind. I shake my head as if I expected the gruesome thoughts to disappear and continue to look for a park.




Forty minutes and five parks later, I approach the last park that I know of while trying to cling onto the last bit hope that remains. I trudge through the sad park, observing all of the broken swings and scuffed up see-saws. My shoes sink into the muddy dirt and I sigh. I take out my phone and try to call her again but not one ring of a phone is to be heard. With a hopeless sigh, I put my phone back into my pocket.

I walk out of the park, leaving it vacant and search for a hotel to stay in for the night. I wasn't giving up, not even close. Right after I find a hotel, I'm going to search for Teddy again. Where I'll look, I have no idea. I'm sure I'll figure something out. I listen to the clatter of my shoes hitting the pavement of the cracked sidewalk and kick a few stones as I walk aimlessly. I stare at the badly damaged houses as I walk by. House, house, house, house, slide, house-


I sop walking and stare at the decaying green slide in someone's front yard and almost scream. I run over to the tube, and open the strange slide door to find Teddy laying down, eyes screwed shut. I quickly drag her out of the slide, and try to lightly shake her awake.

"Oh, Teddy..." I murmur sadly, noticing all the cuts and bruises from being thrown around in that slide. I can't even begin to imagine how terrifying that must have been. She slowly opens her eyes and looks around.

"Spencer?" she questions, and I try to help her stand up to her feat.

"Yep," I say.

"What-...what are you doing here? How did you get here?"

"Plane." I retort, and she glares at me.

"You know that's not what I meant." Teddy says.

"Nice to see you too." I say sarcastically.

"Again, not the time."

"I'm sorry. How do you feel?' I ask her and she winces.

"I've been better." Teddy mumbles, and I pick her up bridal style and she gasps in surprise.

"What are you doing?"

"You need to get to the hospital and I'm not letting you walk there." I say sternly and she smiles.

"You're so cheesy."

"I blame you."




Two hours later...

"That...was different." Were the first words that Teddy said as we walked out of the chaotic hospital.

"Can't argue with that." I nod in agreement. "In hindsight, we probably should have expected it to be packed in there. A massive and dangerous storm did happened today." I say.

"Yeah," she says. As we walk along the sidewalk I observe the orange and yellow sunset and think of the crazy day that is today. I did not expect to be in this...random situation today. We continue to walk in awkward silence for several minutes until she speaks up again. "Thank you, by the way. For you know, catching a plane to Denver just to make sure I wasn't, I don't know, dead or something." 

"Why wouldn't I have come?" I ask, and she shrugs.

"I don't know, most guys don't fly across the country just to check on their ex-girlfriend." Teddy says.

"Well, I don't really consider you my ex. I consider as my best friend and best friends do that for other friends." I say, and she laughs softly. "That did not sound very manly."

"No, it didn't."

"Oh well." I sigh and we turn the corner to Teddy's street. We continue to joke and laugh as we walk down the street, managing to forget all of the things that had occurred today, and I'm glad. Who knows whether or not her family is okay, and I've a feeling thart she won't be laughing again for a long time after tonight.

As I look away from Teddy and focus on her house that we approach, I'm truly horrified. I can hear Teddy gasp beside me and I cringe. In front of us was a bearly reconizable house in front of us, torn to shreds. The Duncan house.

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