Unspoken Memories

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"But Spencer, what if Kate's lying? What if she faked the birth certificates?" I ask Spencer, and he sighs. Yesterday an old enemy showed up at my doorstep, telling me that she's my sister, but I'm not completely convinced.

"Teddy, if you're so unconvinced, then go ask your parents if they know anything about it." Spencer suggests as he takes a sip from his soda can.

"You're right, you're completely right. That is exactly what I should do." I say determined and stand up.

"Wait, you're going right now?" he asks me, and I look at him confused.

"Of course I am! Where else would I be going?" I ask rhetorically as I grab my car keys and dash out the door. I run to my car and throw open the front door. I jump in the car and start the engine. I put the car in reverse and back out of the drive-way. I pull out onto the street and drive into the direction of my parents' house.

What if Kate is actually my sister? If I go to my parents' house just to have them confirm my family relations? Several more minutes of stressing over my family tree, and I'm parked in front of their house. I grab my keys from their slot and slide out of the car. I knock on the front door and my dad answers the door a few seconds later.

"Hey, Teddy." he greets me and I step inside.

"Hey, Dad. Is Mom home too?" I ask him as he wraps me into a warm hug.

"Yeah, she's upstairs. I'll go get her." Dad says and walks up the stairs. I walk over to the family room to see Charlie and Toby watching TV. Toby colors in his coloring book while Charlie works on her second grade homework.

"Teddy! Did you bring your babies?" Charlie asks excitedly as she jumps up from the coffee table.

"Not this time, sorry." I tell her and her smile falters for a second.

"That's okay, I'm still happy to see you!" Charlie reassures me. Mom and Dad walk down the stairs and into the family room.

"Hi sweetie!" Mom says and kisses my cheek.

"Hey Mom." I reply with a fake smile coating my lips.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" she asks me and I look around the room.

"Um, can we talk in private?" I ask them and they nod, a confused look on their face. We head upstairs and into their room. We all sit on the bed and Mom glances at me, concerned.

"Do you two know anything about my biological family?" I ask and they look surprised.

"What made you think about this?" Dad asks curiously, and I sigh.

"It's a long story..." I trail off looking at the carpet. Okay, maybe it's not that long of a story, but I really don't want to explain it to them. At least not now, anyway.

"Not really, sweetie. We adopted you from a woman who worked in children services, but we were'nt allowed to know any information concerning your real family." Mom tell me. I frown and run a hair through my hair when suddenly I turn stiff, replaying her words in my mind.

"Do you remember the woman from children's services name?" I ask warily, and they both think for a moment.

"I remember that she had a strange last name." Dad speaks up.

"What kind of strange last name?"

"Uh, What's the name of an old pen?" Dad asks, and my mom looks over at him.

"Plume?" she suggests, and my breath hitches in my throat. Everything that was once blurred now becomes clear; Ms. Plume is my mother and Kate is my sister. There is on way that Ms. Plume just 'happened' to help with my adoption. There is way to many roads, but all of them lead to her. Every single last question about my real family lies within that nasty and cruel woman.

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