The Walsh Family

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One week later...

Paul:POV (Spencer's dad)

I sit alone in my over-sized house, staying silent. I have more money than I know what to do with, yet, something feels missing. I have no idea why I feel this way. I had recently gotten a divorce with my ex-wife, my son doesn't speak to me, and I at one time dreamed about this day but all I feel right now is emptiness.

This is not an unknown feeling, I had felt this before but I thought that it was because I didn't have enough money, but now I finally realize that it wasn't that at all. I pushed away the only people that actually cared about me, and then wonder why I feel so alone.

Some part of me knows that I've entirely at fault for all the pain that I'm experiencing right now, but I am a very stubborn man and know that I'll probably never be able to admit that I'm wrong aloud. I could blame my parents. The people that abandoned me as a child, but I know that this is all my fault. The emptiness, the pain, the loneliness, all of it.

I'll never be able to make up for all the wrong that I've done, and I feel like garbage. I never have been a good man or husband, and I've ruined my chance of actually have a good relationship with my family. I never was a good man. I honestly don't know why my ex-wife ever wanted anything to do with me.

I let my greed for money guide my decisions, and ruin my life and there' s nothing that I can do about it now. If I could turn back time, I would without hesitation. My doors are suddenly busted down, and I jump up in surprise.

"Paul Walsh, you are under arrest." A police officer says, and cuffs my hands. As the woman leads me to the police car, I hang my head in shame. If this would have happened to me last year, I would have kicked and scream like a child, but I finally understand now.

I screwed my life up, and now it's too late to fix it. Now I'll rot in jail for the rest of my pathetic life.


"How are you feeling?" I ask Teddy, taking a seat next to her on our couch.

"Very pregnant." She groans, and I laugh.

"Well, you are over eight months pregnant." I say, and she sighs.

"I know. I honestly have no idea hoe my mom was able to go through this four times." Teddy says, and I nod.

"Me neither. With my mom, she was one and done." I say. My mind wanders over to my family, and I remember when my mom called me a few month ago and told me that her and my dad were filing for divorce, I haven't heard anything since. I'm still waiting for the day that my dad calls me out of the blue and asks me to bail him out of jail, but that has yet to happen. I don't want to call the police, I want my dad to stay as far away from Teddy and my two children.

"Want to discuss names?" Teddy asks, and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Sure." I smile.

"So, I have some names that I've always liked, put I want to hear your suggestions first." She says, and I start to panic. I haven't really thought of any names, I just figured that Teddy would pick them out.

"Um...How about...Alison, Ariella, Morgan." I randomly say the top three names that came to mind.

"Those are really pretty names. How did you choose them?" Teddy asks, and my eyes widen.

"Well...Those names were my mother's first, middle, and last names." I lie, and she furrows her eyebrows.

"Your mom's first name is Linda, and her last name is Walsh." She says, and I rub the back of my neck.

"What names do you have picked out?" I ask.

"Well, I've been thinking about these names for a long time. My first suggestion is the name Kate." Teddy says, and tries to refrain from laughing.

"Hey, that wasn't funny." I mumble as Teddy bursts into fits of giggles.

"Neither was your ex." She says, and I roll my eyes. "Anyways, my real suggestions are, Alexandra, Hadley, and Rydel. I chose these names because-"

"Well, would you look at that! My phone is ringi-"

"No, it's not." Teddy says in confusion, and we sit in awkward silence for a few seconds.

"I think we have some really good name suggestions." I say, and she laughs.

"You're a dork." She giggles, and I smile.

"But I'm your dork." I say, and she shakes her head.

"Forever and always."


I'm so sorry that this chapter ended up being so short! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get over eight hundred words.

Anyway, please vote for two names for Teddy's twin girls! In case you forgot the names, here they are again.







Don't forget to vote and comment!

Let's try to get...10 votes, and five comments!


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