Chapter five

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Here I am. In the closet. Sobbing my eyes out. How did I get like this you ask? Well, here it goes.

FLASHBACK earlier that day...

Spencer had just left, and I had just dropped Toby and Charlie off at Daycare and was now driving over to McDonald's for lunch. I get out of my car and walked inside. I get in the line, but right when I'm about to order guess who was there? Josh, my boyfriend. He has dark sparkling blue eyes, a beautiful smile and dark brown hair. Even someone who looks as great as that is enough to make me want to run for the hills by the sound of his voice.

"Teddy! Can you go to the park with me? I have something important to ask you." he asks, hopefully, and I mentally groan in my head.

"I'm a little bit busy right now." I tell him, turning around to face him.

"Please? It wouldn't take long." Josh tries to convince me, and I sigh.

"Okay." I force a smile, trying not to be rude.

"Great! Let's go!" he says cheerfully.


We get to the park, and he leads me to a beautiful fountain with crystal blue water spewing out of it. I observe the park that we're in, and it is very unfamiliar to me. I didn't even know that a park this beautiful existed in Denver. 

"Okay, so you know how today is a special day right?" Josh asks me, and I'm clueless as to what he is talking about.

"Er, yeah." I respond awkwardly, and he nods.

"It's our one year anniversary! Anyway, I knew that it was a great day to do something extra something for it." Josh says, and I look at him curiously. What is he going to do? 

Josh gets down on one knee, and my hand immediately covers my mouth in shock. My thoughts are all over the place as I watch the people around us begin to stare. My heart is pumping way faster than it was before, and I feel like I'm about to puke.

I advert my eyes from the strangers around us to Josh. His hair is softly blowing in the wind, and there's a twinkle of happiness in his eyes. How could he be proposing to me? We've only dated for a year! That's not enough time to decide to get married. I haven't even told him that I love him, and now he's proposing?

"I know it hasn't been long, but I love you. I love you more than I have loved anybody in my entire life. You are special. I know that I have had a very privileged life, but without you it seems worthless. I'm not really one with words, so I'll just get to it. Teddy Duncan, will you marry me?" Josh asks.

Really? That's all he's going to say? That is the shortest proposal I have ever heard. I am only nineteen, and he's twenty! We're still practically children. I feel awful, as if I've just sentenced a puppy to its doom. I haven't even said anything yet, but I feel bad knowing what I'm going to say. I let out a long sigh, and try to look him in the eyes, finding it hard to look at him.

"Okay." I mutter to myself, read to turn down his proposal, but he takes it the wrong way. Everyone around me cheers as he suddenly kisses me, while I am just utterly confused. Why is he kissing me? I haven't even answered his questio- Wait...Did he think that me saying okay was my way of saying yes to him?

I pull away from in, and look at him with shock. Josh is oblivious to the expression on my face, however, because he just smiles back at me.

"This is Great! Well, talk to you later." Josh says, as if getting engaged is something that happens every day.

What just happened? I race back to my car as fast as I can, not even thinking about how I was going to eat as McDonald's. I slam the car shut as I start the car in a panic. 


I open the door then slammed it shut as I started hyperventilating on the couch. This can't be happening. I was like this until about three o'clock, when I heard a knock on the door. I open it cautiously and there was a women dressed in fancy and professional clothes.

"Hello, are you Theodora Duncan?" the woman asks me, and I nod.


"We are taking Charlotte and Toby Duncan from your care." she says, and my mouth drops open.

"What?" I ask, thinking that I heard her wrong.

"Ms. Duncan, you are suspected of mistreating them, and above all else, police are considering the posibility of kidnapping. Now, if you have any further questions, here is my card." And with that, she walked away. I stood there for a minute just in shocked. I felt too stunned to move, let alone shut the door. Suddenly someone came to the door. Someone I never expected to see again. 

That person is the one and only Ivy Wence. My ex-friend.

"Hey T." Ivy says, a sly smile placed on her face. 

"Ivy?" I mumble, taking a step back.

"Sorry about your family. Such a shame about your little brother and sister." she says. Then it all clicked. I had betrayed her once, so now she was doing the same to me.

"You did this. You took them away." I whisper, feeling my eyes start to water and my throat get tight.

"Oh T. You always were such of a baby." she says, walking away without looking at me again.

I shut the door as soon as she walks away, and I feel my heat pounding in my chest, overwhelmed my everything that just happened.  I run over to my laptop as fast as I can, and open Skype. I really need to see a kind face right now. I request a Skype with Spencer, and he picks up after about twenty seconds.

"Hey Teddy, it's actually good you called. Listen, my girlfriend doesn't want me to talk with you anymore, kay? Bye."he doesn't even look at me before he hangs up. I feel my arms shake, and my lip tremble. I abruptly stand up and run to the coat closet, feeling salty tears run down my cheeks.


So yeah, that's how I got here. I stand up, using the back of my hand to wipe away the tears on my cheeks. I walk out of the closet gloomily, slowly grabbing my tiny red video camera. I turn in on, hitting the record button.

"Hey Charlie. It's been a really rough day." I say, my voice cracking. "I just wanted to tell you that I love you, so very much. I really hope that no matter what you're doing right now, that you're happy. Can you do that for me, Charlie? happy, kiddo. I have to go before I start...well, start crying again. I love you, and good luck, Charlie."

Good Luck Charlie (Or is it Teddy?)Where stories live. Discover now