Chapter fifty seven

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One week later...


I hold the scrap of paper that my Dad wrote down my sister's address on, and try to find my sister's house. He said that he's told her about me before, and she's really excited to meet me. After five minutes of searching for her house, I finally find the address. "Wow..." I mumble under my breath, and stare up in awe at the gorgeous house. I know that my Dad is rich, but holy cow. The house is two stories high, with a bright red paint of coat, with gold rimmed windows. I walk up to the front door, and it feels like my heart is beating out of my chest.

My Dad tried to tell me as much as he could about her, but it's still not the same as actually meeting her on person. I raise my hand up to knock on the door, but something stops me from doing do, and I start pacing in her front yard. What if she hates me, and never wants to see me again? What is she's not like Dad described? Before I have a chance to stress about it anymore, the front door opens, and Lydia stands there, with a baseball bat.

"What are you doing on my yard?" She asks skeptically, and and I raise my arms in defense.

"I'm Beau." I say, and she slowly lowers the baseball bat.

"Beau, as in my twin?" Lydia asks, and I nod my head. "How do I know that you're really my brother?" 

"I thought that Dad was supposed to tell you that I was coming." I say, and her mouth makes an 'O' shape.

"Oh, I forgot about that." Lydia says, and she runs over to me, and gives me a hug. "I can't believe that I finally get to meet you!"

"I can't believe it either! It's so weird having a girl looking version of me." I say, and we laugh.

"Come inside!" She says, and we walk inside of her house.

"Your house is beautiful." I say, and she smiles.

"Thanks. I don't know why Dad bought me such a big place though." Lydia  says, and she leads me to her living room. "Have a seat, please." She says, and we bot sit down on the red leather sofa.

"So, let's talk."


It's been a week since Spencer and I got back together, and I'm still so ecstatic about it. The only sad thing is that eventually, Spencer will have to go back to his apartment in New York. I feel really bad for him, I know that New York is not his cup of tea, and he's dreading going back.

MTV started the reality TV show on us...then left. They decided that after Mom stepped in front of the camera one two many times, that we were not fit to have our own show. They did, however, give us five hundred bucks for deciding that we weren't fit for a show. Mom and Dad mentioned something after that about getting a loan from the bank to buy a house, but I'm not sure if I heard correctly. Right now, I'm curled up on the couch with Spencer, trying to understand the basic rules of football. 

"Wait, so what makes that a fumble?" I ask, and he rubs his forehead.

"You know what, let's watch something else." Spencer says, and picks up the remote.

"Or...we could go to the arcade." I say, and he smiles.

"You have the best ideas. Come on, let's go!" He says, and immediately stands up from the couch. We walk outside the house, and I sigh out of happiness.

For once, it feels like my life is finally coming in order, and working out. I guess everything does happen for a reason. If I never met Josh, I probably wouldn't be with Spencer right now. I guess in some weird way, I have Josh to thank for the awful thing that he did to me. If I never said yes to his marriage proposal, then I would have never found Pj, either.

So, thank you Josh. Thank you for being a jerk.


 This is not the end, yet!

So, @booklover2019's comment gave me an idea...

Would you guys like it if after the epilogue, I made these chapters about special things happening in their life? It would probably be skipping a few years for each chapter to get to the important things in their life, and I would update once or twice a week to stretch this out a little more. I've seen a few other people do this, and thought that it would be a good way to make this last a little longer. :D

Tell me in the comments if you would like this! 

P.S: @booklover has her own Good Luck Charlie fanifictions, you should read them!


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