Chapter forty eight

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Oh, it's what you do to me...Oh, it's what you do to me...

I pause "Hey there, Delilah", and turn over on the bed. It's now 1 AM, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about Teddy. I need to move on, because I know that she doesn't want me. She doesn't want me. I bury my face in my pillow, and let out a loud sigh. It's hard being around Teddy and not getting the chance to kiss her. There's also the problem with that awful Josh ruining everything. Everything would be so much more simple is she hadn't met that Bill, or whatever his name is. Another half an hour goes by before I finally asleep.



I wake up, and roll over to check what time it is on my phone. 10:18 AM. I stand up to stretch, and my eyes widen when I realize that I have nothing to wear. I really should have taken the time time to pack, I mentally slap myself, and try to fix my hair in the bathroom mirror. I quickly slip on my shoes, and grab my phone. I walk outside of my hotel room, and observe the clean hallways. Probably one of the cleanest hotel hallways that I have ever seen. I get in the elevator, and press the main floor. I've always been deathly afraid of elevators, and suddenly regret not taking the stairs. No, I've never gotten stuck in an elevator, but that doesn't mean that it won't happen in the future. I hear a "ding", and step out of the elevator. I quickly take out my phone out of my jean pocket, and start to text Teddy.

Can I come over?


I put my phone back in my pocket, and start to walk in the direction of her place. Minutes go by, and before I know it, I'm already there. I knock on the front door and to my surprise, Mrs. Duncan opens the door. "Hi, Mrs. Duncan!" I say cheerfully, and she musters a fake smile.

"Hello, Spencer." She says, and we an awkward silence washes over us. Teddy walks up to the door, and smiles widely. 

"Hey Spence! Come in." Teddy says, and opens the door wider so I can come in. I walk in, and see Pj, Mr. Duncan, Charlie, Toby, and Gabe all sitting on the wide couch. "I just told my family about the amazing news about the reality TV show." She smiles.

"Oh, cool." I say, feeling uncomfortable.

"So, Spencer..." Mr. Duncan stands up, and I start to have a feeling that this is going to be a really long day.


"Beau, where are we going?" My little sister asks me as I drag her out of her elementary school. I walk to the bus stop, and frown at her.

"There's a lot that's going on, but I promise that I'll tell you when we get on the bus." I say, and she starts to look scared.

"Beau, is everything okay?" Amber asks, and I sigh.

"It's complicated." I tell her, and we sit on the bench. The bus stops in front of us, and we quickly get on, and take a seat in the middle of the bus.

"Can you tell me now?" She asks, and I nod my head.

"Amber. you have an older sister, my twin, My just told me last night about her, and we're going to go find her." I say slowly, and she stays silent.

"We're running away?" Amber asks, and I nod my head again. "Oh."

"But, there's somewhere we need to first." I tell her, and she furrows her eyebrows.

"What, are we going to see a secret brother that I didn't know about too?" She asks sarcastically, and I shake my head no.

"No. Amber I have good news." I say, and she raises her eyebrows. "We're going to see Dad." I say, and I smile forms on her lips. We're going to visit my Father because, hopefully he'll be able to raise Amber for the rest of her childhood and give her the life that she deserves. I don't want to tell her about that part yet, I want her to get to know him first. Also, Dad might know where my long-lost sister is.

"Really?" Amber asks full of excitement. I can't wait to see my Dad again, and hopefully meet my sister. I wonder what my sister looks like. I mean, she is my twin.

"Yeah. Also, there is something that you should know. Dad never wanted to leave us, Mom wanted him to leave us. They had a secret divorce, and Mom gained full custody over the both of us, that's why Dad could never come back." I explain.

"Well...the past is in the past. Let's go find our family."

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