Chapter eighteen

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"Alrighty then, let's go." I smiled.

"Wait a second." I stop and grab a book.

"Same old T." Ivy mumbles, and shakes her head. We went over to the check out, and bought our swim suits. We walked out, and I saw a couple holding hands and laughing. I sighed. To think, that was once me and Spencer. I wonder what it would have been like if he would have taken me here. Actually I do know what it would be like. He would take me to meaningful places that would me special to me and him, but would also be extremely cheesy at the same time, like reminding me how beautiful I am every two minutes, and never letting go of my hand. He would kiss my cheek, and tell me how lucky he is to have me, while I would just blush and look down at the ground.

"T, you okay?" Ivy asks me. I sigh again.

"Yep, lets go." I said starting to walk ahead but she stopped me.

"No you're not. T what's wrong?" she asks me concerned.

"Spencer." I mumble.

"You wanna talk about it?" She asks, with concern.

"Nothing you don't already know about. Come on, let's go." I smile sadly. We start walking towards the beach. Why does Josh have to be so nice? It would be so much easier to end it with him, if he was a jerk. I take my shoes off, and feel the sand beneath my feet.

Ivy jumped into the ocean, while I just sat in the sand with a book I bought at the gift shop. Its a book that Ivy recommended to me called "The Love That Never Happened." Its takes place in the seventeen hundreds about a girl who gets forced into being married to a rich business owner to whom she doesn't love, but she loves a poor farmer. So far, it's really good.

"Come on Teddy! Have fun!" Ivy yells to me.

"I guess I can go in for a few minutes." I mumble to myself, as I set my book down. I stand up and brush some sand of my back. I stretch and start walking towards the ocean. I bump into someone. "Oh, sorry!" I apologize, and look up.

"Watch it!" she yells at me, and walks past me. I roll my eyes, and jump into the water.

I have to admit, it did feel really nice.


I was at the beach with Katie, and she was "getting her tan on" while I just laid on the sand. She went to get a banana smoothie, and just walked back over. Well, stomped over. "What's wrong sweetie?" I ask her.

"Some blonde bimbo ran into me." she whined crossing her arms.

"Where's your smoothie?" I ask her.

"I'm not in a smoothie mood anymore." she said laying down on her beach towel, putting her sunglasses on. I sighed, thinking about how horrible everything is going.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna go get a root beer, want anything?" I ask standing up.

"No." she says bitterly.

"Alright." I sigh, and walk toward the direction of the smoothie hut. I collide into to someone, and fall down.

"I'm so sorry, I just can't seem to stop running into people today." She laughs looking down.

"Its alright." I laugh, and start walking away.

I stop in the middle of my step. That girl... sounded an awful lot like Teddy. I furrow my eyebrows. I turn around, but by the time I look back, the mysterious girl is already gone. I blink a couple of times, and start walking again. It couldn't if been her anyways, I mean, what are the chances of that? I shake my head, and walk up to the smoothie hut.

"Hello, and what would you like today?" A girl looking about 17 asked me.

"A large root beer... oh and a banana cupcake please." I asked politely. Katie would like a banana cupcake, right? I hope so...

"That'll be $4.95." She smiles. I dig out a five dollar bill and hand it to her.

"You can keep the change." I smile, and grab the cupcake and root beer.

I start walking back over to Katie, but slowly. I take in the view of the beautiful beach. I guess my life could always be worse, I mean, at least I got Katie. I sit down next to her and nudge on her shoulder. "What?!" she snapped at me.

"I got you a cupcake." I said in a sing song voice.

"What flavor?" she asks sitting up.

"Banana." I smile. She makes a disgusted face.

"Everyone knows my favorite type of cupcake is red velvet!" she squeals then storms off the beach.

"Of course." I mumble, and run after her.



It was getting late, and it was almost time for the luau. "Um, I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get clothes, towels, and the kids" I said to Ivy. Ivy nods in response, and I start walking. Today has been a really fun day, and it'll be the last after I marry Josh. No Teddy! Just focus on today, and don't waste of what you have left today. But it will be awful. I mean, what will I do about Charlie and Toby? Would he be okay with me adopting them? But, he would also ask what happened to my parents, and I don't want him knowing what happened...I wonder why Josh loves me? I mean, I've never been the best girlfriend, and now I'm gonna be his wife? Wow, that's sounds weird. Wife. Josh's wife.

But who knows, it could be... I got nothing, it's gonna suck. I walk into the entrance of the resort and walk into the elevator. I hum along to the elevator music, until the door opens up. I walk to my room, and insert my key card into the slot, and it opened up. I walk over to my dresser, and get some black capris,and a yellow long sleeve, then walked over to Ivys room and got her black jeans, a black tank top, and a leopard jacket. I walked out of the room, and into the hotel hallway, and into the elevator. I pressed the button that lead to the main lobby. I stood there and it started to move. While it was moving it played soft jazzy music, and I closed my eyes, holding the clothes.

It was about to get to the third floor, when it suddenly stopped. I snapped my eyes open, and looked around frantically. Suddenly there was a ringing noise, and all the lights went out. What's going on? Okay Teddy, don't panic, just get out your cellphone and call for help. I got out my cellphone and turned it on but it immediately shut itself down. Great my phone just died.

Well this isn't good.

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