Chapter forty four

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I finish making my bed, and run a hand through my hair. Ever since Spencer called to tell me that we would be visiting, I haven't stopped cleaning, not even for a minute. I walk out of my room, and look at the spotless house. I don't know what made him want to randomly drop by, but I am really excited to see him, rather than to speak with him through a screen. He's coming here tomorrow, and the house is already clean, and it only took two hours. The door bell rings, and I answer the door. "Hey, Mom!" I say and welcome her in.

"Hey, sweetie." She says, and sits down on the couch. "Wow, it's spotless in here. Have you been cleaning?" Mom asks, and I take a seat right next to her.

"Yeah, I have been actually."

"Any particular reason?"

"Spencer is coming. We're friends again." I say slowly, praying that she won't overreact. She stays silent, and I start to worry.

"Please tell me that you're kidding." Mom says, and I look down at the green couch.

"Er, no I'm not." I say with very little confidence. Her expression turns cold, and she stands up from the small couch. She walks out the door, and I sigh. I wish that my parents would at least try to tolerate Spencer, instead of turning their backs on him. I know that he cheated on me, then ignored me for months but...I stand up from the couch, and walk inot my room. I take my keyboard out of the closet, annd start playing whatever note comes to mind. Ten minutes go by, and I finally am able to calm myself down. My phone rings, and it is an unknown number. I answer it, and bring the phone up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Is this Theodora Duncan?" The woman asks, and I start to feel a bit skeptical.

"Yes." I trail off, and lean back in the bed.

"We have good news on the behave of channel MTV. You and your family, are going to be on reality TV."


I step out of my apartment door, and stare at Spencer's door. I can easily just take this rope and prevent him from leaving, but I just can't. I already tricked him and went on a fake date with him, and now I have to trap him in his apartment. Now matter how hard I try, I just can't get myself to tie the rope around the doorknob.

I throw the rope on the hallway floor, and run back into my my room. I just couldn't do that, I can't be that careless. Spencer is a good man, and he doesn't deserve this, and I am not going to make things harder for him. I know that Josh isn't the nicest guy around, but I just can't let him go, no matter how hard I try.

I sit down on my bed, and stare out at the lively city. I wish that Spencer and I would be able to remain friends, but I know that it's not possible. I hope that one day, Josh will be able to see the light. I can only dream though, because I just can't see that happening. I first met Josh about two months ago at a McDonald's. He seemed all sweet for the first few weeks, then turned on me when it was too late to leave. I can't help but feel like deep down inside of Josh, is the man that I slowly became in love with.

I stand up from my bed, and sit down at my desk. I filter through my sketches, and add some adjustments to a few. I know it sounds silly, but clothes designing takes away all of my stress. I had a deep quote onto a tank top, and put the paper into the folder. New York is such a great place to find inspiration. There are so many people in New York and what I do is see what kind of clothes people here wear, and add my ideas into it, and create a new, fresh, outfit. I wonder where I would be right now if I had never met Josh. The only way that I was able to move to New York was because Josh promised me that if I helped him with his plan, then he would get me a place here. Will things ever be okay?


Hi! So, I have some bad news. and good news.

The bad news is, I probably won't be able to update this week because I'm going to my grandmother's for Spring break.

The good news is, when I get back I'm going to have several chapters to update! By the my new username??

Remember to vote and comment!

See you next week!

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