First Week of Parenting

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One week later...


"Ariella, I know you miss Daddy, but please stop crying!" I beg my daughter, but she just continues to cry for reasons that I have yet to figure out about.

Spencer ran to the store to pick up some more diapers. Turns out that having twins means buying crazy amounts of diapers. I've discovered that even though I had her in my stomach for nine months, Ariella's a huge Daddy's girl. Hadley on the other hand, cannot get enough of me. If I even leave to go to the bathroom, she bursts into fits of tears.

Ariella continues to sob, and my eyes start to water from frustration. This last week has been so difficult, and I honestly never thought it would be so hard taking care of two little girls. I already tries feeding her, changing her diaper with the last one that we had, and play her. It just seems like no matter what I do, she won't stop crying. 

I thank God that Hadley didn't wake up from her nap-time, if she woke up then I would have to deal with two crying babies. I slowly take a seat on the rocking chair behind me, and try to calm my very loud angel.

"Honey, please be quiet for Mommy!" I plead, and groan in frustration when she only cries harder. I would call Mom, but I've been trying to manage without her helping me out. No one is guaranteed a tomorrow, and god forbid anything were to happen to my wonderful mother, I would have no idea how to do half of the things she would help me with.

I give up and decide to just call my mother because I have some plans today that I need to do. I dial my mom's number, and wait for her to pick up.

"Hi, Teddy!" Mom says perkily.

"Hey, Mom. I was wondering if you could come over for an hour or two and watch the kids?" 

"Sure! I'll be right over. I do have to bring Gabe, Toby, and Charlie, is that okay?" She asks.

"That's fine, I'll see you in a few." I say, and hang up the phone.

Ten minutes later, and Mom in knocking at my front door. I open the door, and they rush inside.

"Hey!" I greet them, and Gabe sits down on the couch and talks to someone on his phone. "Who's he talking to?" I ask Mom, and she sighs.

"This girl that she met in school, Izzy is what he calls her." Mom rolls her eyes, and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why did you roll your eyes, I mean, shouldn't you be happy that he met someone?" I ask, and she crosses her arms.

"He doesn't want me to meet her! It just makes me really suspicious." Mom stresses, and I let out a small giggle. "What?"

"Mom, he's sixteen. He has a little girlfriend-"


"Of course he doesn't want you to meet her, he's a teenage boy. I wouldn't worry about it." I reassure her.

"Thanks, honey." Mom says, and I start to walk towards the front door to do what I've been needing to do all week long. "Where will be going?" She asks.

"I just need to visit an old...acquaintance." I say, and run out the door before Mom has a chance to ask anymore questions.

I climb into my car, and start the engine. I pull out of my drive-way, and into the quiet roads of our neighborhood. I take a turn, and head into the direction of the state prison. I know that Josh hurt me, but I'm too curious for my own good. He said that his days are numbered, and I can't help but wonder why. 

Good Luck Charlie (Or is it Teddy?)Where stories live. Discover now