Chapter sixty

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I look over to the left, and see that Charlie is fast asleep, along with Spencer on the other side of me. I shake my head, and turn on the TV and out it on a low volume. 

"Today, Josh Parker has been found in his home. In case you haven't been following this news story, Josh Parker stole fifteen watches from Kay Jewelers, equaling over fifty thousand dollars. This year long looking, is finally coming to an end. More at eleven." The news reporter says, and the remote falls from my hands.

"I almost married that man." I mumble, and Spencer wakes up.

"Huh?" He asks, sitting up from his place on the large couch.

"Well, apparently Josh, has been a wanted criminal for over a year, for stealing watches." I say, keeping my eyes on the TV.

"He was wanted for stealing watches?" Spencer questions, and I turn to him.

"Expensive watching, totalling on over fifty thousand dollars." I say, and he puts a hand over his mouth.

"This actually dosn't surprise me as much as you would think." He says, and I shrug my shoulders.

"Me neither. And I almost married that man!" I exclaim, and Charlie slowly sits up, and rubs her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, Charlie! I didn't mean to wake you up." I apologize.

"It's okay." She yawns, and stands up from the couch. The door opens, and Mom and Dad walk in. I feel panic rush through me, as I quickly stand up. I've already told them that Spencer and I have gotten back together, and they're still not very very happy with me at the moment.

"Hi." I say in a high pitched voice, and Spencer looks at me like I'm crazy, and i just shrug my shoulders.

"Hi, Teddy." Mom says, and her eyes turn into slits when she sees Spencer.

"Hi, Mrs. Duncan." Spencer says awkwardly, and my Mom doesn't say anything.

"Well, we should get going. Come on Spencer." I say, and grab Spencer's arm. "Bye, guys." I say, and we quickly exit the hotel room. 

"Do you think that you're parents will ever like me?" He asks, and tilt my head to the side.

"Don't worry, Spence, they'll get used to it soon enough." I reassure him, and he frowns.

"I hope you're right, I really care about what your parents think of me. I mean, how am I ever supposed to get marry to you a few years down the road, if I don't get your Dad's blessing?" Spencer worries, and I smile.

"You saying that is all, is all the blessing I need."


I take a step back from the door, and turn to Bob. 

"Did you hear that?" I ask my husband, and he nods his head.

"I did. He really cares about her Amy. I mean, I remember how hard I tried to get your parents blessing when I was going to ask you to marry me. Especially your mother's." Bob says, and I nod.

"I never thought I'd be saying this, but I think it's time for us to forgive Spencer." I say, and Bob nods.

"Me too." He agrees, and I quickly open the door, and we try to catch up to Spencer and Teddy.

"Teddy, wait!" I yell, and they stop.

"Yes?" Teddy asks, and I frown.

"I-we, we'," I stutter, struggling to apologize.

"We're sorry for acting so cold to you." Bob tells Spencer, and both of their eyes widen.

"Really?" Teddy questions, and I slowly nod my head.

"Yes. It wasn't very mature of us, I'm sorry." I tell Spencer, and he smiles. "But, just know, that if you ever hurt my little girl again, you're going down." I whisper, and Spencer takes a step back. "Alright!" I say happily, and Bob sets his hand on my shoulder.

"That's really mature of you guys. Thanks you." Teddy says, and we smile.

"We just decided to give Spencer an extra chance." I say.

"Thanks, guys. We'll see you around." Teddy says, and they walk away.

"That was easier than I thought it'd be." I say, and Bob nods his head in agreement.

"I thought for sure that you would change your mind, and end up yelling at one of them." He says, and I scoff.

"You know me all to well." I say, and he laughs. 

"Well, that's what happens when you've been married for over twenty years, you get to know someone pretty well." He says, and I hit his shoulder playfully. He holds his arm, and I roll my eyes playfully. This past year, has been complete choas, but I guess things always have a way of working themselves out in the end. When that hurricane first hit, I thought it'd be the end of this famlily, when it was actually only the beginning.

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