Chapter fifty three

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I open the front door to my house, and Ivy greets me. "Hey, Teddy." She says, and I wave. 

"How was your say today. Well, other then getting fired." I say, suddenly feeling awkward.

"I don't know Teddy, how do you think it went?" She snaps, and I raise my hands in defense. "I'm sorry, I shouldn'y have snapped at you it's just- it's been a very stressful day." Ivy apologizes.

"It's alright, it's been a stressful day for me too." I say, and sit down next to her.

"What happened?" She asks with worry.

"Skylar was found in the middle of the rode, then she accused me of being on love with Spencer. You know, the usual crap that's in the nightmare that is my life." I say, and she frowns.

"That sucks." Ivy says, and I nod my head.

"I know."

"Well, there's some ice cream in the fridge if you want to drown in your sorrows." Ivy offers.

"Thanks, Ivy." I say, and get the tub of ice cream from the freezer. Right when I'm about to sit back down on the couch, there's a knock at the door. "What now?" I ask, feeling extremely frustrated. I open the door, and smile when I see Spencer.

"Hey, is this a bad time?" He asks, and I quickly shake my head.

"Not at all. Um, come in!" I say, and he walks in. Ivy stands up, and my heart beat starts to quicken. Please don't insult, please don't insult him.

"Spencer, it's nice to see you." Ivy says politely, and I gasp.

"What?" She asks, an turns to face me.

"Well, my parents came over earlier, and were very...loud with their opinions of Spencer."

"Loud?" Spencer questions, and I sigh.

"It's the best word that I can use right now to keep this conversation rated G." I say, and they laugh.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go hang out?" Spencer asks.

"Hang out where?" I ask, and he shrugs.

"I don't know, maybe get some dinner or something." He suggests, and I think for a moment.

"Sure, let's go." I say, and grab my wallet.

"I'll be back soon." I tell Ivy, and she waves to me.

"Have fun, but not too much fun." She says, and points a finger at Spencer.

"Bye, Ivy." I say, and walk outside, hand in hand, with Spencer.


"You're in the top reading group?" Dad asks, and Amber nods. We've been at my Dad's place for about an hour, and he's a great man, and I wish that he was never forced to leave. "I'm so proud of you!" He exclaims, and she blushes.

"Thanks, Dad." She says.

"So, are you two hungry? We can go to Red Lobster for dinner." He suggests, and we nod. (Everyone's going to dinner, huh?) "I'll call my driver." Dad says with a smile, and pulls out his expensive looking phone.

"Driver?" I question, and he nods. He holds up his pointer finger, and walks into a different room.

"I can't believe that we were stuck in poverty, while Dad was living a rich life." Amber says, and I frown. I know hoe she feels, after all I have been feeling the same way.

"You have to try to understand, Dad wanted to gain full custody. He tried to help us." I tell her, and she sighs.

"I know, it's just hard to know that he's been living the good life." She says, and stands up from her seat. "I'm going to go try to find the bathroom." Amber sighs, and I frown.

"Okay, so Rob should be here any second." Dad says, as he walks back into the room. "Where did Amber go?" He asks concerned.

"She went to the restroom." I say, and he nods his head. "There's actually something that I've been wanting to talk to you about."

"What is it?" He asks, and a bite my bottom lip. I can't remember my Dad all that well, and I really hope that he doesn't get mad by my question.

"I know I have a twin sister, is there any chance that you know where she is?" I ask, and he smiles.

"Of course I know where she is! After I had to leave, I got my baby girl back." Dad says happily, and I furrow my eyebrows. Well, that's not the response that I thought that I would have gotten

"Where is she?" I ask, and Amber walks back in the room.

"Ready to go?" She asks, and Dad nods.

"Yeah, let's go!" He says cheerfully, and I try to get his attention again.

"Wait-" I hear a horn beep from outside. They quickly head outside, and I groan. "Right when I was about to find out where my twin is." I say, and follow them outside.

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