Pj and Skylar

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One day later...


"Wanna go the the movies?" I ask Skylar as we sit on the couch at my aparmtent, watching TV.

"Not really, I can't think of any movies that I want to see." she says, and I sigh.

"Me neither, I'm just sick of sitting around at my apartment all the time." I grunt, and she places a reassuring pat on my shoulder.

"We could go job-hunting." Skylar suggests, and I shrug.

"Yeah, let's go. We'll go looking at the mall." I say, and we stand up. I grab my keys off of the kitchen counter and we head outside of the cramped apartment.

"So, how did that dinner go last night?" Skylar asks me as we step into the hallway elevator.

"The one with Gabe and his girlfriend?" I quiestion and she nods. "At first it was awkward, then my mom started acting out one of her plays and then Gabe's girlfriend stormed off."

"His girlfriend ran off because your mom starting acting out one of her plays?" she asks.

"Not exactly. Mom made Gabe be the prince in their little performance, and they started dancing and pretending that they were at a dance-"

"Gabe was dancing?" Skylar asks shocked as I press the button that leads us down to the main lobby.

"I know, it was crazy. Anyway, the girl leans in to give him a kiss in the cheek or something, and all of the sudden he freaks out and pushes her away from him." I tell her the events of last night, and she her eyes widen.

"Why did he do that?" she asks.

"He probably got embarrassed. Mom really got mad at him though, starting yelling at him as soon as his girlfriend left. Saying how he needs to learn how to respect a woman and such." I say and we step out of the elevator and into the lobby.

"Poor girl," Skylar mumbles, and looks down at the ground. "What was her name?"

"Annabelle or something like that." I say. "Anyway, what's been going on with you lately? Did you talk to your dad last night?" I ask, and she nods.

"Yeah, he's still trying to figure out who brought me here in the first place. I just wish I knew who it was that way I don't need to live in constant fear that they'll do it again and take me somewhere else, even if it was over a year ago." Skylar frets.

"And you don't remember anything unusual happening to you before in New York?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"Nothing. Everything was completely normal." she says, and I shove my hands into my jean pockets.

"You don't think it could be any ex-boyfriend? An old psychopath friend?" I ask, and she giggles.

"Not that I know of."

"Oh, well." I sigh, giving up on figuring this mystery out. I'm no Scooby Doo, anyway.


"What do you want to eat?" I ask Skylar, looking around the packed food court.

"Pizza?" she suggests.

"Sounds good to me." I say. I grab my wallet from my pocket as we walk over to Pizza Hut, and I immediately drop my wallet from shock.

"What's wrong?" Skylar questions and picks my wallet up for me. No, it can't be. Out of all of the places that witch could have gone, why did she have to be here?

"I-I..." I trail off, and turn to face Skylar. "Do you remember me telling you about the chaos that happened at Teddy's first wedding with Josh?" I ask.

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