Chapter twenty

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All of the sudden I heard something on the top of the elevator. Or someone? I heard another thud and suddenly the roof of the elevator popped off, and a mans head showed. "Hello miss, if you could grab my arm?" He asks. I grab his arm and he pulls me up.

"Thanks." I say, and he opens a small secret door and I jump out into a hallway, which appears to be the second floor.

"No problem." He jumps out behind me and walk over to what looks like to be, the stairs. I look over at the clock on the wall. 5:28.

Crap. I start running to the stairs that lead to the main lobby, and almost trip about three times on my way down the stairs. I run out of the main entrance and make my way to the daycare that Charlie and Toby are at. I zoom into the entrance and, stop at the reception desk. "Hello, and welcome to Ms. Su-" I cut the secretary off.

"I'm here for Charlotte and Toby Duncan." I say out of breath.

"They're in that room." She says annoyed, and points her perfectly manicured finger toward the direction of a large room. I mumble a "thanks" and speed walk into the direction of the room.

"Ah, hello Ms. Duncan, are you here to pi-" Ms. Suzy starts.

"Yes, how much do I pay you?" I ask quickly.

"$85." She responds, with a smile.

"Great." I say and hand her nine ten dollar bills.

"Keep the change." I mumble, and nod. I pick up Toby, grab Charlie hand, and run out of there. I keep running until we get to the beach, where I see Ivy sitting down by a fire with other people on the beach. Well, I guess the luau stared. She sees me, and gets up to walk over to me.

"T, where have you been, I was just about to go looking for you!" Ivy scolds me.

"Sorry, I got stuck in the elevator." I say out of breath.

"What?" she yells, and stands up

"Here's your clothes." I say cheerfully. She groans, and walks to the direction of the bathroom to, I assume change. I catch my breath, and sit down, next right to baby Teddy. About five minutes later, Ivy comes back, and I head into the stalls to change.


I was back at the hotel, and Kate just went out for a walk. I thought about when I would go back to Boston. I only had about a month and a half left, then what? What do I do with life after that, you may be asking. Well, after that, I'm going to apply for a record label, well several actually, and see what comes after that. I grab my jacket, and decide to take a walk along the beach.

I walk into the hallway of the third floor, into the direction of the elevator. Out of order? I turn around and walk over to the stairs and start walking down step by step. About five minutes later, I made it to the bottom of the stairs, to the lobby. I walk out the main lobby, and see the sun starting to set. I breathe in the fresh air, and sigh happily (for once). Today's February 18 already.

If a year ago, someone would have told me I was not with Teddy, then I would have thought thy were insane. Why did I let Teddy go? Oh right, it was mutual. Kinda. I never wanted to end it with her. Pretty soon, she'll be starting college soon too. Wait...will I ever see her again?! No, no, of course I will.


Charlie:POV(Eh, let's shake things up)

The fire was in front of us as girls with grass skirts started to dance in front of us, but I don't care. I want mommy. Where is she? Also, where's Daddy, and Gabe? The only ones that have been here, are Toby and Teddy. Well, it's better than having Toby and Gabe, but I still miss the rest of my family. I turned around and saw someone walking towards the beach. He looks familiar... Wait...


I shake Teddy's hand, and she turn to me. "Hey Charlie, what's wrong?" Teddy asks me. I point to where Spencer was, but by the time I do he's gone. "Do you want to got back to the hotel?" She asks me. I nod my head no, but her head turns to Ivy and she says. "We're gonna head in for the night." And she takes Toby in her arms, and grabs my hand. I let go of her hand and cross my arms. "What's wrong Charlie?" Teddy asks bending down to my level.

"I saw Spencer." I say, and her face turns white. Uh oh. "Uh, you okay?" I ask. She grabs my hand again, but this time walks even faster.

"You didn't see Spencer, Charlie that's impossible." She said quickly.

"Yes I did!" I whine, and stomp my foot.

"That's it! You're going to bed early." Teddy told me without stopping.

I groan as we walk into the hotel. We walk up some stairs, and we finally get to the top. She takes out a card and put in in a hole in the wall, and opens the door. we walk in, and he puts Toby in his crib, then I climb into my bed.

The last thing I remember before falling asleep is Teddy sighing.


Anyway, what did ya think I Charlie's POV. Yeah, sorry about, I'm quite terrible at 5 year old POVS. BYE BYE!

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