Chapter twenty seven

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I wake up to the sound of Toby throwing a tantrum. What a great way to start the day! (note sarcasm) I stand up, and pick Toby up in my arms. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?" I coo, and his cries start to stop. "I think you just wanted some attention." I say pointing my finger at him, and he giggles, and I smile down at him. I walk out of the guest room, and set Toby down on the couch.

"Morning T." Ivy greets me from the dining room table, as she takes another bite of her cereal. "Hey Ivy." I say, pouring myself a bowl of Cheerios. "Ready to go job hunting today?" She asks, as I sit across from her at the table.

"Yeah. Where do you think we should look for jobs at first?" I ask, and take a bit of my cereal.

"I was thinking the mall would be a good place to start." Ivy suggests, and I nod. Ivy stands up, and sets her bowl in the sink.


Ivy and I decide to leave in separate cars. On the way there, I pass by my dad's old business "Bob's Bugs Be Gone" and I quickly pull over and get out of my car. The once modern building is now in terrible shape. The sign that said "Bob's Bugs Be Gone", is now laying on the ground and most of the windows have been shattered. I can't help but think that there may be a piece of information that would help me find my family. I slowly approach the wooden door, bracing myself for what I may find. I open the door and gasp, for what I find us that very last thing I expect.


Teddy and Ivy just left to go look for jobs, and left me to look after the kids. I don't mind, Ivy's daughter Teddy is still sleeping and so it Toby, so it gives me a chance to bond with my little sister. "Hey Charlie, what are you doing?" I kneel down to Charlie's level, and she hold up her dolls. "Are you hungry?" I ask, and she nods.

"Well how about we play chef instead. We can make something, doesn't that sound like fun?" I ask, and she nods. I pick her up and bring her over to the small kitchen. "Lets see what we have to work with." I say opening up the pantry the pantry. I take out some pasta shells, and some ingredients to make Alfredo.

"Do you want to make some Alfredo?" I ask Charlie with a smile on my face.

"What's that?" Her tiny voice asks.

"Well, it's a type of pasta. I think you'll like it." I say, and get out a pot. I pull up a stool, and Charlie steps onto it.


About forty minutes later, the Alfredo is finished, and I'm pouring it into bowls for me and Charlie. "Ooh, this looks good." I say to Charlie, as I hand it to her with a fork. She takes a bite, and mumbles "Yummy". I grab my bowl and take a bite of mine also. "I love Italian." I sigh in happiness, as I eat the rest.


"Teddy?" A voice asks that I honestly was beginning to think I would never hear again.

"M-mom?" I ask, my voice shaking. Before I know it, tears are streaming down both of our cheeks.

"Bob, Gabe, get in here." Mom yells, and Gabe and Dad. I cup my hand over my mouth, as I stare at my father and younger brother.

"Teddy?" My shocked dad asks. I nod my head, and smile as more tears fall. We all run to each other, and hug for what seems like forever.

I finally have my family back.

Good Luck Charlie (Or is it Teddy?)Where stories live. Discover now