Chapter 2

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Rose's POV

"Hey, Lilia? Hello?" I whisper into the phone, keeping my gaze on the boys, who were waiting by the lockers.

"Yeah? Rose? Why are you whispering?" She starts to whisper too.

"Well, um, detention ended now and I won't be going home yet."

"And why not? Where are you going?" She asks, sounding like such a mom.

"Because I'm going to someone's house to tutor them."


"7 people..."

"What?! Why today? Why 7 people? Are you running a class or something? That's a whole group right there! What the-"

"We have time today, Lilia. It's not a whole class. Don't worry. I'll be back right after I finish, ok? They're waiting for me right now, so I gotta go."

"You better be careful! 7 people? You could get ganged up on!"

"Alright, alright...bye...."

I hang up and put my phone away in my back pocket. I turn around to the 7 boys waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" Seokjin asks when he notices me without the phone to my ear.

I nod. "Let me just get my books. It'll be easier to study with the text books and I have the ones that explain every step-"

"Wait, Rose! You don't have to. We have the books. Come on, we don't want to waste time." Seokjin shouts back.

"Oh, ok." I walked over. "So, uh, how will we get to your house?"

"It's walking distance." Jimin answers me with a smile.

He smiles a lot.

I kinda like it.


As we were walking to Seokjin's house, I was chatting with all the boys and getting to know them a little bit more, except Taehyung.

He was the distant one. He had his hood up and walked slowly behind us. I would ask a few questions and he would give me short answers without even looking at me.

I just decide to ignore it.

We appear in front of a big, blue house.

"We're here. I think my parents cleaned the place up before they went." Seokjin laughs. "There were weeds along the side just this morning."

I look up at the house in awe. It was a nice house, compared to the others along this street.

He opens the front door with his key and guides us in. The boys kick off their shoes and immediately go into the kitchen or the living room.

"You have a very nice house, Seokjin." I compliment while taking of my shoes. "It's very lovely in here."

"Thank you, Rose." He sends me a smile. "Make yourself at home. Want a drink?"

Bad boy? I think not.

"Water, thanks."

As he walked away into the kitchen, Jimin and Hoseok run up to me and pull me to the living room where there was huge TV and leather couches along the walls.

"Let's play Just Dance! Seokjin just got it and it's so fun!" Hoseok screams.

"Do you like to dance?" Jimin asks.

"We can do that afterwards. I think we should start with math-"

"Let's just hang out for a bit first. That way you can be more comfortable around us when we study." Jimin reasons with a convincing pout.

"Are you sure?"


I sigh, giving in to his pout. "Ok, but only for a little bit. I do want to help you guys with your grades. This year is tough."

Yoongi walks in and flops down on the couch and passes out. Namjoon sits next to him and goes on his phone.

Taehyung was sitting down already with earphones on and Jungkook was laying on his lap.

They have a cute friendship.


We start to play the Just Dance game together and it was, strangely, the best thing ever.

We did competitions and dance offs over and over again. We never got tired of it. We joked around and teased each other every time someone did a wrong move. Seokjin and Namjoon were the targets for most of them.

I fell on my butt a thousand times and the boys would just laugh at me. I didn't feel attacked, though. I was laughing just as hard.

It's like these boys were casting a spell on me. They have this charm that makes them so easy to be around. They have this nice, welcoming vibe that I really enjoy.

It's hard to find people nowadays that give off this feeling.

So, of course, just as Jimin wanted, we all become close.

"Jimin, you cheated!" I smack his shoulder. "You kept pushing me down!"

"Just take it in, Rose, you lost. Ha! I'm the real dance machine!" Jimin praises himself.

"You just won at a girl dance." Namjoon snorts.

"Everyone knows I'm the king of girl dances." Jungkook jumps up and starts dancing to Red Velvet's Ice Cream Cake.

"Um? Hello? I'm the king of girl group dances!" Hoseok hollers.

Even though I was having so much fun with everyone, I couldn't help but keep noticing Taehyung sitting out.

Sometimes he would look at us and laugh quietly at the other boys, but he would not join. He took 3 naps and took 5 bathroom breaks.

I know it's specific, but I couldn't help but notice it.

I'm starting to think he doesn't feel comfortable around me or something, but I could just be insecure.

I try to shake it off my shoulders.

"Hey, it's getting dark out already." Jungkook says and points out the window.

I gasp. "We didn't study! What time is it?"

Jungkook checks his phone. "It's 7 pm."

I gasp again. "You guys distracted me!"

"You're easily distracted." Hoseok snorts.

"I have to go." I hand Hoseok the controller. "I need to get home right now."

"No, why? Rose, it's only 7." Jimin whines.

"Tomorrow is still a school day." I reply, trying to find my shoes.

"Friday is not an important day, though." Jimin continues whining. "It was fun playing with you! You're not a sore loser like Hoseok and Seokjin."

"Hey!" Seokjin snaps.

"I had fun too, but I don't want to keep my parents waiting. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye!"

"Bye, Rose!" They all say, except Taehyung. Of course.

"Good night." I say while putting on my shoes.

"Good night, Rose!" They all say in sync again.

Before I leave, I turn to Taehyung while everyone was distracted by the game.

"Bye, Taehyung." I wave to him.

He looks up for a second, then back down. "Bye."

I sigh and exit the house.

Is he alright?

Should I even worry?

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now