Chapter 27

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a month has gone by...

Rose's POV

"I need you to watch over detention for me again today after school." Mrs. Ohni cups my hand. "I'm so sorry to ask you again, but I have-"

I shook my head with a smile. "It's alright, Mrs. Ohni. I will help you. Don't worry about it."

"Oh, thank you." She sighs in relief. "Your heart is full of kindness, Rose. Thank you so much. I hope it won't be a bother."

"It's not a problem."


"Come on, Lilia! You have to stay with me! Just for an hour, please!" I begged my best friend, not being ashamed of my whiny voice. "Please, please, please, please, please!"

Lilia crosses her arms. "What about your lovely boyfriend, Kim Taehyung? It's been a whole month and you haven't been able to hang out with him a lot."

That's true. This whole month just involved a lot of school and studying. Finals and exams and getting grades up and tutoring students. I didn't have a lot of free time.

Because of that, I haven't been able to hang out with Taehyung. I've seen him in the halls and sometimes before school, but he disappears right after. He kisses me on the forehead and says, "I'm busy after school".

I understand. He must be having a tough time with his studies, so I understand if he needs extra time for schooling.

I frowned. "He told me he had to stay home and study."

Lilia doesn't budge. "Eh..."

"Hmph. Fine, just go hang out with Jimin or tell me what happened between you two these past weeks." I grinned. "Don't act like you don't know anything. I see you two hanging out during lunch."

Her cheeks reddened. "It's just hanging out. Nothing more."

"Oh really? What about the times where you giggle like a 10-year old every time he jokes? What about the time he-"

Lilia scrunches up her face before groaning. "Fine, fine! I'll stay with you. Only if you stop talking about it. It's embarrassing."

"Yes! Come on!" I laughed and grabbed her hand.

I lead her down the halls and we enter the classroom where detention was being held this week.

"What the- There's only 2 people in here. What is- Why- How-" Lilia whispers with her mouth open.

They were both boys too.

"They look kinda cute." Lilia whispers to my ear. "Especially-"

I click my tongue. "Don't be saying that when you have Jimin."

"I don't have him!"

"I see that you're disappointed."

"He doesn't have me!"

I roll my eyes. "You would still be cheating on him. I can expose you."

"Please, like he's ever gonna find out."

"He will."

"Hey, welcome to detention!" Lilia gives me one last glare before turning to the small class. "My name is Lilia and this is Rose. We will be substituting for Mrs. Ohni today. Please introduce yourselves."

"Why would we need to introduce ourselves?" One guy says with a hint of attitude.

Lilia sucked in her breath.

Ooooooh, he dead.

The other guy leans back on his chair and smirks.

I stayed quiet and looked to Lilia.

She walks up to him and slams both of her hands on his desk. She leans closer with a fierce expression.

The guy jumps in his seat.

"I said, INTRODUCE yourself!" Lilia repeats with her teeth tightly gritted.


"INTRODUCE. Yourself!" Lilia spits.

"I'm Xiumin." He gulps. "I-I am Xiumin."

Lilia leans up with a proud smile plastered on her face. "Good." She snaps her head towards the other dude. "And you?"

The guy doesn't flinch. "My name is Luhan."

"Luhan and Xiumin. Ok. Rose?"

"On it." I run behind the desk to mark them down as present. "So......Xiumin......Luhan..." I mumbled as I wrote on the attendance book.

Lilia continues to walk around both of them, giving them an eagle-like stare. Xiumin stayed completely still under her eyes. Luhan, on the other hand, didn't look intimidated.

"Do you.....have something better to do?" Luhan speaks up while resting his feet on the desk.

Lilia pushes his feet off. "I'm doing my job."

He just chuckles. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

My attention bounces from the desk to Lilia. I stared at them, scared of what Lilia was about to do to that kid.

"Um, we-well...I actually don't-" Lilia shattered, losing her confidence after the sudden question.

Luhan coughs. "No wonder."

Lilia huffed in annoyance. "And that matters why?"

Xiumin glances at her in horror and leans over to whisper in Luhan's ear.

Luhan laughs at what Xiumin said. "Please, she doesn't even have a boyfriend."

My eyes widen.

That idiot really doesn't know what he's getting into.

As I was quietly praying for that boy, Lilia lifts up Luhan from his tie and brings him close.

"How dare you think that I'm like this because of my relationship?!" Her voice can scare serious criminals. "Just so you know, I DO have a boyfriend! His name is Ji-"

I screamed. "YES!"

Lilia's eyes widens. "No, I didn't mean Jimin!"

"Uh-huh." I snickered.

This really shut Luhan up.

I was laughing, seeing his little friend whimpering behind him.

I look down to write down some notes about their behavior. Making sure that Luhan guy will get a hearing from his parents.

I flip through the notebook for an empty page and I stumble upon a familiar name.

"Kim Taehyung......well behaved.......bad attitudes towards Mr. Ilnune.....Monday 4......." I read out loud, eyebrows furrowing.

Lilia looks to me. She lets go of Luhan and makes her way to the desk.

I was still processing this, so my finger was still on the paper.

Lilia reads the notes.

"Oh." She coughed. "U-Uh, that's odd."

I flipped through more of the pages for this month.

"Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. He's been in detention almost every day." I shook my head. "Geez. I've never seen someone's name so often."

"I-I don't know what's happening." Lilia rubs the back of her neck and walks back to the boys. "Beats me."

"Hey, Lilia. How many babies you plan on having with that body of yours?" Luhan asks and starts laughing.

"Shut your disrespectful ass lips, you doorknob."

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now