Chapter 56

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Taehyung's POV

She did not......she just did.....but why did she? She just bit my she trying to tease me?

Like...tease me?

Like...tease, tease?

I've never seen this side of Rose before in the several months we've been together. I'm not saying I don't like it.......because I do.....but WHAT?

She bit down on my lip? I mean, where and how does she know that...that? Well, I know she's not stupid. Probably learned from Lilia.....or Jimin. Maybe Namjoon? Or Suga...

The waiter serves us our food and left us alone in our VERY romantic setting.

I stare at Rose while slowly eating my food.

Well, not stare, more like "unnoticeable glances".

She ate so peacefully and calmly. It seems like nothing happened.


She knows I'm a guy and I don't brush off something LIKE THAT off my shoulder. I think about stuff too. I think a lot.

Rose catches me looking and immediately blushes.

"Babe, eat your food. It won't taste good when it's cold." She says while chewing.

I clench my jaw while looking at the food. "I am eating, Rose."

Maybe if I make myself look angry, she'll act on it somehow....

Rose's POV

I feel proud and sneaky. I have never done anything like that before IN MY LIFE and boom, I just did it to my boyfriend. I think I totally slayed him. He looks very shocked.

Should I continue to tease him?

Naahhh, I think we're good for like the next couple weeks.

Or months.

I tell him to eat, but he clenches his jaw while looking at his food.

I tilt my head. "What's wrong, love?"

"Nothing. Just eat." He mumbles and continues eat a bit faster.

I look at him, a little afraid, so I obey.


Dinner was over and now we're driving somewhere.

"Babe? Hey, Taehyung?" I try to get him to talk to me during the ride.

He ignores me and continues to stare at the road.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask.

No response.

"It's because I teased you and didn't do anything about it, right?" I answer for him.

His eyes soften, but he doesn't move.

I smile. "Awh, it's ok, baby, the game's not over. There'll be other times for you. Don't beat yourself up too much, ok?" I tease him with a small snicker. "Some things girls are just good at it."

I wasn't...but...let's move on.

"I know this game isn't over, beautiful." He says and gives me a quick glare.

Everytime he calls me that, I swear my life suddenly gets better.

The silent ride wasn't that bad. It was like one of those "you and your crush/friend" rides. Awkward, but you love it so much.

We arrive at this park and it was almost pitch black out.

"What are we doing here? There aren't even street lights." I say, while looking out the window. "It looks kind of sketchy, Taehyung."

"Don't worry. I'll be here." He assures and exits the car.

I gulped. "Umm, T-Tae, I'm don't want to leave this car."

There was a long silence and I was now officially panicking.

Where the hell did he go?!

Something bangs on my car door and my heart almost collapses.

I see Taehyung with his phone and he starts knocking on the window.

I open the door and clang to him. He wraps his arms around my shaking body and leads me away from the car.

"Taehyung...what do you have planned?" I asked with a shiver.

"You'll see."

I sigh and follow along with him.


My eyes finally start adjusting to the dark and I could almost see my surroundings.

"Taehyung, do you have a plan?" I ask again.


I'm kind of hating this "small talk" he was giving me.

I just sighed.

I keep walking with Taehyung until he stops and covers my eyes.


"Shh, you don't want to ruin this." He whispers in my ear.

He leads me until I feel grass underneath my feet and I suck in my breath.

"Shhh..." He shushes me again.

I ball up my fists and bring them to my chest.

Baekhyun's POV

I notice Taehyung and Rose coming and I almost freak out.

I helped Taehyung put all this together while they were getting dinner at the place where I proposed to my beautiful fiancé, Emily.

I prepared a cute picnic with no food because they just ate. Little lights strung around the blankets and pillows, giving a warm glow.

Nothing too big, but wow, if I were Rose, I would totally be blown away.

Now, all I need to do is turn on the lights when Taehyung and Rose sit down on the blanket.

Rose's POV

"Sit down here." Taehyung orders while sitting me down...on a blanket?

Once Taehyung uncovers my eyes, I was surrounded by lights and pillows.

I gasp and covered my mouth.

Beautiful trees, beautiful grass, beautiful moonlight, beautiful picnic, beautiful nature, beautiful Kim Taehyung.

Beautifully simple.

"Taehyung...this is beautiful." I say while covering my mouth. "This is...I can't believe you did this! This is so breathtaking."

"Like you."

I smile and push him over gently.

"We already ate, though." I pull down my dress to cover myself as much as possible.

"We didn't have dessert." Taehyung smirks and I widen my eyes.

Taehyung stares down at my dress that I was uncomfortably messing with.

He looks back at me and in a quick second, I was pinned down by him.


"Shhh, don't ruin the moment, Rose." He whisers deeply and leans down closer.

My eyes get bigger the closer he gets.

Our lips meet and he starts adding more and more passion to the kiss.

He suddenly leans back up and takes off his jacket.

"Taehyung, what are you doing?" I whimpered.

"Umm....." He looks down, then back at me. "I-I'm, uh, I'm covering you up. Yeah, Rose, I'm helping you-you seem cold."

I tilt my head when he pulls me up and covers my legs with his jacket. He sits back down and crosses his legs and keeps his eyes away from me.

Minutes pass and the air couldn't have been more strangely awkward.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now