Chapter 46

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Rose's POV

"Taehyung! Babe!" I hollered for him.

I catch him sitting on a bench with his back facing me. I knew it was him because...damn those back muscles could be seen through that shirt MMPH!


I jog over. "Hey, Taehyung!"

He turns around and smiles at me. He motions me to sit by him.

"Taehyung, let's go inside, it's chilly out."

He shakes his head and turns back around.

"Are you alright?"

He ignores me, so I sit down by him.

I lay my head on his shoulder. "Taehyung, what's going on with you? Are you ok?"

He shrugs. "I-uh, I'm not feeling well. I don't feel like going to class."

Sniff Sniff

I cocked my head and turned his face towards me.

His nose was red and the rest of his face was dangerously pale. He was shivering nonstop and the "mom" part of me jumped out.

"Oh my goodness, Taehyung, you're sick!" I gasp and help him stand up. "You're coming with me!"

"I'm sick? I like the cold, though." He sniffs.

"Awh, you poor baby. Let me help you." I led him back inside the school.

"I don't want you to be late to your first class, babe."

"What about you? I'm not leaving until I take care of you." I pressed my hand against his forehead. "Geez, Tae, why were you outside?"

"I just felt like...since I have a cold, I'm invincible to it. Like I'm in my own territory outside." He smiles.

"Awh, that's adorable." I kiss his cheek and he shivers.

"And, I don't want to get anybody else sick." He says and moves away from me. "Especially you."

"Hey, you won't get me sick, as long as you don't cough or sneeze on me....or breath on me."

"See, Rosie, I can't get you sick, ok? I don't want to- AHCHOO!" He sneezes.

"I'm fine with getting sick. We could be the sick couple! We could feed each other hot soup and medicine." I hold out my hands.

"No, babe, I don't want to get you sick."

"Just hug me, at least?" I pouted. "Hurry before first class starts."

He rolls his eyes. "F-Fine, co-come here."

I smile proudly and buried myself in his arms. I hold him tight and he does the same back.

"I love you, Taehyung." I say, my voice muffled against his jacket. "You know that?"

"I love you too, Rose." He says and kisses my head. "You should know that."

I lean up and kissed his cheek.

"And that?" He blushed.

"For the gift."

First class bell rings and we part ways.


"Taehyungie!" Jimin and I scream when we see him leaving his last class.

He weakly smiles at us. "Hey, you guys."

I give him a small hug. "How are you doing?"

"Still feeling like my nose is made of water, but I'm doing bet-" He sneezes 4 times.

"Oh, poor baby, you don't have to lie to us. I can see it in your eyes, you're still sick. Let me help you home." I offer and rubbed his back.

"Yeah, I'll get your backpack and we can bring you to your home." Jimin says and runs off.

I kiss Taehyung's cheek and his cheek turns from a pale to a soft pink.

"Hey, I have blanket from my Home Ec class." I intertwine our hands. "It'll keep you warm while we walk home."

He tilts his head. "A blanket?"

"It was a project."


The whole gang meets outside.

Taehyung's friends gather around him and say encouraging things to him.

Sweet boys.

Lilia and I stand side by side, freezing our butts off.

It got 6 times colder than this morning.

Suddenly regretting our outfit choices.

"G-Guys, can we get going? It's kind of cold out." Lilia says while shivering.

Jimin looks at her and smirks. "Come here. There's plenty of room in this warm jacket."

Lilia blushes before hugging him.

"Who are the love birds now?" I teased.

Lilia glares at me.

"So, want to hang over at my house tonight?" Seokjin asks.

"Oh, no, bro, we gotta take Taehyung to his home." Jimin says.

"No, no, Jimin, you can go to Seokjin's. I'll be taking care of my boyfriend, ok?" I say and grabbed Taehyung's arm.


"No buts, Jimin. I want to spend time with Rose. Plus, I don't want to get any of you guys sick." Taehyung says and kisses my head.

"What about Rose?" Namjoon points to me.

"She already has my disease."

Jungkook groans in disgust. "Ok, get well soon, bro, I'll text you later. Bye!"

The rest say good bye and we wave back.

Taehyung wraps the blanket around the both of us and we start walking towards his house.


"Ok, I'll make some soup for you. Lay down on here." I guide him to his couch and tuck him in with like...6 blankets.

"Do you know where everything is?" He asks while grabbing my wrist and looking up at me.

I caress his cheek. "I'll find it, don't worry, ok? So, what do you want to watch?"

"Turn on the TV, I'm fine with anything."

I nod and press the ON button. Playful Kiss starts. "Oh, this one's old. Are you ok with this?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I kiss his forehead before running to the kitchen.

I look around his kitchen and try to find some soup cans...or mix? I finally find some cans of chicken soup, and I take one out.

Few minutes later, I carry a plate of hot chicken soup out to Taehyung.

"OH HA NI, HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT? Yeah, but that brother is being a jerk...I don't blame you..." Taehyung yells at the TV with his deep voice and now that he's sick, it's even deeper.

"Hey, look, Seokjin rubbed off on you. Look who's being loud now. Careful, don't yell too much, your throat will get sore." I warn and set the soup down on a table.

"Will you feed me?" Taehyung asks with such innocence.


I take a spoon and dip it in the soup.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now