Chapter 41

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Rose's POV

"Are you sure Lilia won't want to walk with us?" Taehyung asks.

I nod with a sly smirk on my face. "Oh, I think they'll be fine. Real fine."


I point to Lilia and Jimin who were walking together in the way distance. "Those dang love birds. Who else?"

He giggles and playfully smacks me on the arm. "Look at you being a matchmaker. They look so cute together."

"AY!!! TAEHYUNG, ROSE!" Jimin's small voice calls to us from far, far away.

"Hi, Jimin-"

I smack my hand over Taehyung's mouth and lead him away. "Shhh, let them be alone."


"I want them to be alone." I whisper, still backing away.

He ruffles my hair. "Fine, but don't you want to know what happened with them last night?"

I laughed with a hand on my hip. "Tae...I know what they did last night."

"What did they do?"

"They had a dance competition. Isn't that adorable?" I squeal, wiggling my arms around. "Those two are dancing into each others hearts."

"A dance competition? Just a dance competition? mean a dance competition in bed-"

"No! An actual dance competition! With a TV! Taehyung, your mind has been ruined."

"Do you want a dance competition?" Taehyung asks while wiggling his eyebrows.

I just laugh it off. "I can't dance well. Not as well as Jimin and Lilia."

"Hmm?" He jumps onto big rocks and starts walking on them.

"Let's just say, Jimin and Lilia are dancing robots. Me, I'm like a tin can compared to them."

"I haven't seen you dance before." Taehyung jumps off and nudges me on the shoulder. "How about you show me a little something?"

I punch his shoulder. "I'm not going to show you anything. I'm telling you, I really can't dance. At least not right now. I like my hair."

He does his cute rectangle smile and gives me a side hug. "Later then."

I cover my face in regret.

Taehyung's POV

"Did you get the locker ready?" Namjoon asks me over the phone.

"Yes, I did. Do you think someone might have saw it and messed it up? What if something gets mixed up while I was gone? Do you think someone accidentally bumped into it and ripped it off? What if a backpack ripped it off!?"

"Taehyung, don't worry-"


"Stop it, you'll be fine and she'll love it. Don't worry about it, Yoongi and I have it covered."

"Thank you so much, hyung."

"You're welcome. Now don't screw up."

I know what you're thinking, but it's probably not what you're thinking...but you're probably thinking it now that I mentioned you thinking about the thing I thought you were thinking about before I guessed your thought.


Day 1, surprise with a love song performance.

Day 2, decorated locker.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now