Chapter 23

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Taehyung's POV

"And I'll be seeing you," Mr. Ilnune slams the detention slip in front of me. "In detention."

Anger builds up in me as I down at the super familiar pink slip of paper. Too familiar.

"I didn't do anything." I state, looking back up at this heartless stick.

"Oh, really? You think turning homework in late and uncompleted is acceptable in my class? You think failing tests and not getting any answers right on your assignments are just fine with me?"

"I turned this in on time. It's not me, it's you being late on grading." I spat while gripping the edge of his desk. "And it's also you and your dumbass teaching that's making me fail the damn tests."

Mr. Ilnune laughs. "Well, no one will know if it's my fault or not." He laughs again and walks around his desk to my side.

I watched him, not breaking my glare.

"All THEY know is that you're irresponsible," He holds up one finger. "Uncommitted." Holds up a second. "Lazy." Holds up one more. "And just...dumb."

I feel my insides boiling up. My fists were already balling, ready to punch that big old cockroach square in the neck.

"Now," The cockroach hands me the pink slip. "Off you go now."

I snatch the slip from his hand and stormed out the door.

"That son of a bit-"

"Taehyung! What happened? Why were you in there for so long?" Hoseok perks up when he sees me slamming the door behind me.

Seokjin steps up too. "Are you ok?"

"We were waiting for you to walk home, but you didn't come out. We got worried." Namjoon placed a hand on my shoulder.

I take a deep breath, still trying to release some anger without damanging someone or something.

" detention." I hold up the detention slip to show them. "That stupid bag of farts will-"

"Oh, there you are!" Suga walked up to us, sighing in relief. "I actually thought you guys left."

I looked at him, still holding the slip. He quickly recognizes the paper and he sighs again.

"Mr. Ilnune?" He questioned, although he knew very well that it was him.

Everyone in this entire school knows that Mr. Ilnune is the worst teacher ever. He's unreasonably strict and teaches lile he doesn't know sh*t. He blames us for bad grades, but what does he expect? He doesn't teach a damn thing.

"Suga, could you go find Rose and distract her a little bit?" I requested, fiddling with my fingers. "Please make sure she doesn't go this way....or sees us."


"Just go please."

Suga pauses, but nods. He walks out without another question.

"My mom's gonna be so disappointed." I feel tears lining my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away. "I had a phone call with her the other day and she was asking about school and I said it was fine. She's gonna be so angry."

"Yo! There you are, Taetae! I've been looking all ov-" Jimin stops in his sentence as Lilia comes around the corner like fate wanted them to meet.

Lilia stopped in her tracks too and they just faved each other with faces that were too far to tell.

After a second, Jimin runs up to us and immediately starts asking questions about what happened and where I was.

I tell them what happened and they bombard me with 'sorry's and 'it'll be ok's'.

Like usual.

"No, it won't, guys. This is the hundredth time I have gotten detention because of late work and it's from the same stupid teacher!" I bury my head in my hands. "It's stressing!"

Seokjin rubs my back.

"Hyung," I cry weakly. "My parents will be so disappointed. I didn't tell them about Rose either. If they find out about her and my detention streak, they're gonna blame her. They're gonna think she's the reason I'm failing and sh*t. Then they're gonna make me break up with her and I-I-"

"Taehyung, that's not-"

"What if Rose doesn't want to be with me after she finds out that I've been doing so horrible in school? She's gonna think so low of me, won't she?" I blurted, feeling nothing by worry build inside.

"I-I don't know, but you need to just work harder." Namjoon tries to comfort me, but I didn't take it in.

I gulped before looking up at everybody.

"I don't want to lose her."

"And you won't!" Lilia throws an arm around me. "You're right, though. Rose isn't into guys like that. She likes the geniuses, but she won't give up on you, Taehyung. She believes you. She believes in your relationship."

I manage a smile and thanked her.

"Guys! Guys! She's coming with Jungkook!" Suga whisper yells and scurries closer to us. "Rose is coming!"

My heart jumps barracks as I try to clean myself up in time.

I quickly wiped my semi-wet eyes and hid the detention slip in my pocket. I cleared my throat a couple times to get rid of the lump that formed.

Everyone gives me a small smile before completely changing their mood to trick Rose into thinking we were talking about sunshine and rainbows.

"ROSE! JUNGKOOKIE!" Jimin yells making me jump slightly.

I see Rose's gaze focus on me.

I can see the concern in her eyes, so I try my best to put on a bright and teethy smile.

Her concern washed away in seconds and she gives me a cute smile too.


"Oh, I see." Rose frowns.

I nodded, biting my bottom lip.

"Will we see each other today? After school?" She asks while putting her arms around my neck.

My heart skips a beat.

I look over to Seokjin and hinted him to save me.

"O-Oh, um, Rose, Taehyung has a lot of honework to do. He might be really busy." He steps in. "I think it's best if he's alone and not distracted."

"Yeah, his parents might need him to pick them up from the airport." Namjoon helps too.

Rose pouts and rests her forehead on my chest. "I understand."

"Buuuuuuut, you're busy too, Rose." Lilia jumps in.

She turns around. "I am?"

"Yes! Uh, your parents are coming home tonight too, aren't they?" Lilia says. "Or are they coming tomorrow?"

"No, they're coming home tonight! Oh, shoot! Thank you for reminding me." Rose lets go of me and hugs Lilia.

I mentally sighed.

"Thank you." I mouth to Seokjin and Namjoon.

They nod.

"Ok, so, I guess we won't see each other much today...maybe tomorrow?" Rose wraps her arms around me again.

"Yes, I can't stay away from you for so long." I whispered.



Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now