Chapter 19

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Rose's POV

Taehyung puts both of his hands on my cheeks and kisses my forehead before putting his shirt back on.

"That was magical." Taehyung hums and lays back down on his back.

I faked a laugh. "What? Sleeping in the same bed as me? Yeah, it was pretty great because that's all we did in the 4 hours since you snuck into my house."

"Ok, sure, heheh." He starts giggling.

"Taehyung!" I smack his hard chest. "What are you doing?"

"Wasn't it fun?" He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist. "I know you had fun, sweetie."

"Of course I had fun, Tae."

"I just love sleeping with you." He winks. "It's so comfortable and our talks are amazing. Remember when you hand snuck into my shirt...."

Taehyung raises his hand against mine.

"I would LOOVVEEE to hear the end of that story." A sarcastic voice enters the room.

Taehyung rolls his eyes.

Jimin smiles and leans against the door frame. Right away, I noticed his messy hair and swollen face.

"Jimin!" I shout.

"Shhh!" Jimin shushes with a finger on his lips. "Lilia is still sleeping. Quiet down. You're going to wake the beast-uh, I mean beauty."

An idea suddenly pops into my head.

"Oh, really..." I got up from the bed, leaving Taehyung still there. "Well, we can take advantage of that. Can't we, Jimin?"

He eyes me weirdly. "What do you mean?"


"No! Rose! Don't!" Jimin whisper yells as I push him into Lilia's room.

I laugh quietly and evilly as I see him struggle under my strong grip.

Yeah, believe it.

"Jimin, just trust me." I whisper back, holding onto his arms. "Just got along. Please! Please!"

"My trust for you just fell when you brought waking up Lilia into this!" Jimin argues and continues to struggle.

Lilia rolls around in her bed, causing Jimin to fall to the ground in fear.

"Jimin. Pull it together." I placed my hands on my hips. "Lilia will not hurt you. At least, that's what I know."

"Rose, don't be so naive. She will choke me to death. I'll be long gone. Please tell me your plan now."

I drag him closer to the bed. "Just go along with me."

Without giving him any time at all to talk back, I shove Jimin onto the bed, right next to Lilia's sleeping body.

Jimin shrieks like a hyena and tries to roll off the bed without angering her.

And she's not awake, how? I don't know, but that means Jimin can suffer a bit more.

"What are you doing? What in the world are you thinking?" Jimin whines. "Are you signing me up for execution?"

"No, I'm giving you a chance with Lilia." I run towards the door. "Now don't mess this up. This might be your last chance."

I sent him a thumbs up and closed the door. trapping him inside.

Yeah, I know this isn't a good idea AT ALL, but I just wanted him busy doing something else so Taehyung and I can chill.

I entered the living room and see Taehyung sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and his eyes shut.

He probably fell back asleep.

"Taehyung..." I call his name softly as I approach him.

He doesn't respond.

"Tae..." I try again.

He doesn't respond again.

I stroll to his side and jumped right next to him, causing the couch to bounce and wake him up.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked, poking his shoulder. "Hello? Taehyung?"

"You're always doing things with Jimin." His eyes opened and he turns to me with a straight face. "And you're always fine with him ruining our moment."


He wasn't kidding when he said he has a problem about jealously.

I run my hands down his chest as I brought him into a tight hug.

"Tae, I only did that so he wouldn't ruin any of our moments again. See," I hold out my arms. "He's gone. We're at peace."

Taehyung finally smiles and my heart warms up.

"Oh, look!" I cup his face and wiggle him around. "You're smiling! What a cute smile."

Taehyung turns red and looks down.

"Awh, why are you looking down?" I ask.

"I feel horrible." He grumbles.

"Why, Tae?" I caress his cheek.

"I'm getting mad about this too easily. I'm giving you such a hard time with my jealously and I feel bad because I can't control it-"

I leaned in to interrupt him with a kiss.

I lean back out. "All better?"

"You are seriously the best person ever." He chuckles.

My cheekbones ached. "No...."

"Seriously, Rose, you have such a kind heart."

"Tae..." I cover my face in embarrassment. "You make me blush."

"That's what I want to happen. To make you happy as much as you're making me."

"Taehyung, I didn't do much. We only dated for a week..." I say, biting my bottom lip. "Maybe your feelings for me are not official yet."

Taehyung leans in very close and looks me close in the eye. His eyes sparkled and the feeling he gave me was something I wish I could feel every single day.


"I'm not faking anything." He breaths out.

I gulped. "Prove it."

Taehyung wasted no time to kiss me. His hand cups my face as he somehow deepens our kiss, making me grip his shirt.

He pushes me down on the couch and brushes my bangs away from my face.

"JI-JIIIIMMIIIIIIINNNN!!!" We hear a loud shriek coming from inside the hallway.

I try to pull back and see what the screaming was about, but Taehyung continued to drown me in his sweet pecks.

"Taehyung, did you not hear that?" I said, breathing heavily.

"Shhh, Rose, I'm not done proving to you why I think you're an amazing person. I'm not letting anything interrupt this."

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now