Chapter 43

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Rose's POV

"There you are. You took forever!" I motioned Lilia to hurry up. "We can't waste time right now! If I wait any longer, I will die."

She closes my door and jumps onto my bed. "It's been 5 minutes since you texted me."

"Whatever...just look at this masterpiece." I show her the album. "ISN'T IT BEAUTIFUL!?"

She gasps and covers her mouth. "Damn, this is amazing. Taehyung really went all out for this."

"I know! I only saw the first page and I just...unable to able."

I turn to the first page and show Lilia.

"Oh, was this the first time you met detention? Wow, there's so many details! Is that Jimin? Why is he smelling your hair?"


Taehyung's POV

"Do you think she's reading the book right now?" I ask my brothers. "Do you think she's crying right now? Awh, man, I should've told her to record herself-"

"Record?" Namjoon snickers.

Seokjin smacks his head.

We were on our the way back from school and on the way to Seokjin's house.

"I bet she's showing it off to Lilia as we speak." Seokjin says and pats my back.

"If I were her, I'd be reading it already." Jimin says, making Jungkook laugh. "Why are you laughing?"

"Just imagining you as a girl getting a gift from their boyfriend. 'Oh look, I'm Jiminnie, I'm so happy about this book, I'm gonna read it ALLLLL day hehehe'!" Jungkook mocks him with a girly voice.

"You kid." Jimin hits his shoulder. "Why do you always make fun of me like that?"

"Because hyung is cute." Jungkook giggles and pokes Jimin's side.

Jimin crosses his arms and looks away. "I can't hear you......"

"Hey, Jimin, you should make one for Lilia." Hoseok says.

Jimin scoffs. "No, I can't. One, it wouldn't be original. Two, I'm not even that serious with her..."

"Serious! Awh come on, you're not trying in this relationship." Namjoon says. "Unlike Tae. HE knows how to make a woman feel special."

"What? No! If anything, I'm the one who's trying! I'm the one who's been trying since! If we're not getting anywhere, it's because of her and not me." He stuffs his hands in his pockets. "I actually really like her and am not afraid to show..."

I put my arm around his shoulder to comfort him. "It'll be ok, man, she's just getting...adjusted...maybe she's just not good at showing feelings."

"Well, she's good at showing her UNINTERESTED side." He sighs. "Can I be honest with you?"

"As long as you can be honest with everyone else." I point to the other guys watching.

"I am jealous of you and Rose." Jimin confesses with a frown.

I can't help, but smile.

"Yeah, I am too. You both love each other very much." Seokjin adds.

"I don't want to take that away from you. I wouldn't ever dream of it. I just want to love someone as much as you love Rose." Namjoon says. "And be loved by someone as much as Rose loves you."

"Please, no one will love someone as much as I love Rose." I laughed with a proud grin.

"Next thing you know, you'll be married and I still wouldn't have a girlfriend." Seokjin complains with his arms crossed.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now