Chapter 4

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Rose's POV

"ROSE!" Jimin shouts as soon as he sees me walk through the front doors of the school.

I jumped at the voice.

"We've been waiting for you!" He continues waving towards us.

Lilia nudges my arm and wiggles her eyebrows. She gave me that "oooooo" look and it just made me blush.

"Lilia, you know we're friends." I say, making her scoff.

Jimin runs up to me and wraps his arms around me immediately.

"Oh, hey, J-Jimin." I groan at his tight grip. "Ni-Nice to see you too."

I try to get my hands around him to hug back, but I was a bit awkward with this sudden closeness. My hands were frozen.

"Hey, Rose!" Jungkook joins our hug. "Good morning! Did you sleep well? Next time, you play with me, ok?"

"Hey! I want some love too!" Hoseok runs up and hugs me from behind.

"Yo, group hug!" Namjoon and Yoongi join in too.

"Awh, cute! Let me take a mental picture." Lilia holds up her hands and pretends to take a picture with her fingers.

I turn my head slowly to Lilia and eye point to Taehyung, who was reading a comic book, leaning against the lockers. He was good distance away from us.

As usual.

The boys finally let go of me and faced Lilia.

Jimin holds out his hand first. "Hey, there. My name is Jimin. Nice to meet you."

"Hi." Lilia shakes his hand, eyeing him with a sly smile. "I'm Lilia, Rose's best friend."

"Hmm...competition." Jimin squints at Lilia.

"Competition?" I laughed. "There's no-"

"I'm really competitive, just so you know." Lilia crosses her arms.

"She is. Jimin, you be careful." I warn, pointing to his face. "I actually bet she is a better dancer than you."

Jimin's eyes widen in surprise. "Dancer, huh?"

"I don't want to brag, but I won first place at my dance academy's dance competition for 5 years straight." Lilia crosses her arms and smiles. "Wait, no. I do want to brag."

Jimin snorts and puts his hands in his pockets. "Please, I was dancing since I learned how to walk."

"I was dancing in the womb!" Lilia shoots back.

"Why don't we settle this after school?" Hoseok jumps in, clapping his hands. "A little dance competition to start the weekend? Oh, yeah!"

"Let's meet at my house and do it." Seokjin offers, smiling towards Lilia.

"Why not?" Jimin says, showing off the fact that he's not scared of the competition.

Lilia smirks. "Fine, it'll be nice to dance with someone who about the same level."

"Hey, I'm not that bad." I smack her shoulder.

"Same level? Psshh." Jimin shakes his head. "Get ready to be surprised."

Seokjin puts his arm around me. "So, you're coming over again today?"

I look up at him and shrug. "Do I need to be?"

"Yes!" Jimin and Lilia yell. They glare at each other then look back at me. "I need you there." They say in sync again. Then they start bickering.

I laugh. "Of course I'll be there. I need to help you all with homework anyways."

He starts rubbing my arm, chuckling under his breath. "Yeah, we don't really need help, Rose. That was just a way to get you to come over."

I step away, gasping. "What? You took advantage of my kindness!"

"It worked, didn't it? Come on, we have the internet. And you had fun last night?"

"Yeah..." I mumble. "It was fun...."

"See? We're all good now." He puts his arm around me again.

I cross my arms. "Why the sudden change of heart, Seokjin? Just yesterday you were acting like a 'bad boy' to me."

"I was hoping you wouldn't remember..."

I laughed. "How could I forget? It happened yesterday."

The bell for first period rings.

"See you then, Lilia." Jimin waves to Lilia. "See you too, Rose!"

"Bye." I wave.

Lilia and I wave to everyone else before walking the other way.

I glance to Taehyung and see him already looking. He turns away before I could wave to him.

"What's his problem?" Lilia asks, noticing me get blown off.

"I don't know. I asked Jimin, he told me not to worry."

"I see."

"You two were cute, though." I change the subject. "You and Jimin? The two dancers? That's a whole movie right there."

She pushes me away. "Whatever. I'm gonna crush him at dancing. He's going to be so surprised. His cute eyes will be as wide as the sky."

"Lilia, he's no joke."

"Are you saying I am?"


Taehyung's POV

"Let's go now before you invite more girls over." I mumble to Seokjin. "It isn't a party or anything. How am I going to get work done if girls are screaming in the house?"

Jimin groans at me. "Taehyung, don't be such a party pooper. And why didn't you join our group hug? You usually start those kinds of things."

I weakly shrugged. "Didn't notice it in time."

He scoffs. "Who are you?"

He turns around and walks away with the rest, leaving me behind.

"Wha-What?" I hold up my arms. "Hyungs! H-HYUNGS!"

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now