Chapter 54

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Rose's POV

"ROSIE, SWEET PUMPKIN, I'M HOME!" My dad screams after shutting the door.

Lilia and I look at each other in panic.

"Maybe he could-"

"He can't, Lilia. You know how he is. He could seriously embarrass me in front of Taehyung." I say while trying find my phone.

"Are you sure? It's just a drive. The drive wouldn't be too long, right?" Lilia reasons with a finger on her chin.

I shrug. "I don't know, Lilia. You know my dad-"

My dad opens my door and peeks in. "Oh hey, Lilia, nice seeing you here. Hey, Rose, whoa, you look nice. Where are you off too?"

"I-I'm going on a date with Taehyung." I answer with a hand on the back of my neck.

My dad squeals and runs inside my room. "Girl! Girl! Tell me the details!"

I control my facial expressions. "Taehyung is going to take me out for dinner."

"Oh, is he going to pick you up?"

I shake my head. "I'm meeting him at his house."

My dad raises his eyebrows. "Oh, I see."

I pray to the lord above that he would leave without another thought.

Please, leave.

Please, leave.

"Let me drive you!" He yells.


"Dad, I would totally let you drive me, but sometimes you get...too excited and you end up embarrassing me." I confess with a hand around his arm. "Maybe I'll just take a bus."

That didn't work....not even a little bit.

My dad holds up a fist. "I promise you, my child, I will not say or do anything that will embarrass you or Lilia or Taehyung. I promise, you have my word, Rose. Let me take you to your date! I wanna see!"


"Lilia? Are we going to be late?" He  turns to Lilia.

"Way past that, dad." She sighs while looking at the time.

"Oh, no, my sweet daughter can not be late to her date!" My dad rushes out to get his keys.

"Lilia!" I whine.

"Chill out, princess. Your dad can drive us! You heard him. He just wants to help you. Now, come on before he gets all rattled up and sits on either one of us." Lilia says and drags me out of my room.


"What took you girls so long? Taehyung is waiting and we DON'T HAVE TIME TO PLAY!" My dear, old father nags.

And with that, he speeds down the streets with dangerous and possibly illegal speed.

I hold onto my seatbelt for dear life. "Dad, we're going to get a speeding ticket!"

Lilia opens the window and screams. "WHOOO! WHOOO!"

I grab ahold of her shirt and pull her inside. "Calm down, woman! We already have enough attention!"

"Goodness, girls, don't be so loud. The cops will hear." My dad chuckles as he goes even faster.

He makes a sharp turn and I almost fly out the window.

Lilia tries to open the window again.

"NO, LILIA! MY HAIR!!" I screech as I try to block my hair from the wind.

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