Chapter 3

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Taehyung's POV

"Bro, what's wrong with you?" Jungkook sits down next to me. "You are being so quiet. It's weird."

I yawn, not really reacting to him. "I don't know what you're talking about, Jungkook."

"Yes, you do. Why are you so quiet...and calm? This isn't like you and you know that. We danced to PSY and you didn't even join!"

I sighed. "I know this isn't how I usually am, but maybe I'm just becoming more mature."

Jungkook suddenly starts laughing out loud. "You? Mature? Ahahaha!"

I smack his butt. "What? People change."

"Really? Come on, tell me, Taehyung." Jungkook pleads.

I groan. "I don't know. I guess I'm still pissed off about detention and my stupid teachers."

"Well, you better go back to being yourself and not act like a potato with a stick up its butt. I think Rose is starting to think you don't like her."

"What? How? Is that so? I never would've guessed. Wow, I'm in shock. Total shock." I said, almost too sarcastically.

"You wouldn't even look at her when she said bye."

I wiggle around in my seat. "You saw that?"

"We all did." Jungkook pats my back and gets up. "Come on, let's join our friends."

I nod. "Fine. I need to get my mind off school anyways."

Rose's POV

"I don't know why! He wouldn't look at me for more than a second!" I complain to my best friend on the phone.

I fall back on my bed and let out a frustrated sigh.

"It's not like I REALLY WANT him to look at me. It's just the vibe I get from him..."

"Wow, but I still can't believe you made 6 new guy friends in a night. You also met them in detention, so you gotta be careful. You don't know what kind of people they are. They could make you do drugs or-"

"LILIA! They got detention from being late to class. Plus, I got to know them. They're very kind and fun and sweet."

"You sound so peachy." Lilia laughs.

"Peachy? You sound like an elder at a tea party." My phone buzzes. "Oh, hold up, I got a text from my mom."

"Ok, see you tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night." I hang up and scroll check my messages.

Time to go to bed, hun

Mom, you don't have to remind me every night. I know when to go to bed :)

I know, I'm sorry. I have some news though.

It's fine and yeah?

Do you think you can be alone for the next week?

Yeah, why?

Your dad and I are going to America


Yes, but for the yearly marriage retreat. We might stay longer for alone time with just me and your father


Yeah, so we'll be on our way tomorrow afternoon. We'll be home to pack.

Ok, It's no big deal
good night

Good night, sleep well, hun

I throw my phone on my bed and sighed.

America, huh?

All the way there?

I wish I was old enough to travel for weeks overseas and just vacation.

I force myself to leave my bed and go to my bathroom to take a shower. My phone buzzes again and I run back to check it.

"Mom?" I furrow my brows.

I know who you are

My eyebrows furrowed.

I stared at the text, deciding whether or not I should respond back or just block it.

Who are you?

The number responds quickly.



I'm someone you love very very very much




I'm hurt

I finally realize who the person on the other end is and I start to laugh under my breath.


So you do love me!

How did you get my number?

Wild guess


Ok, fine. I found it in the school's files.

School files!?

Yeah, don't ask...

Well since you're here now, can I ask you something?

Yeah sure

Do you think Taehyung might not like me?

It takes awhile for him to respond back. I didn't take that as a good sign, so I sat on the bed, biting my fingernails.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't hate you. Don't worry much about it. Just spend some time with him and he'll become more talkative.

Oh, alright

Ok, gotta go. Good night. See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow


In case y'all don't know...
Marriage Retreat is a place where couples go to renew their relationship.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now