Chapter 13

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Rose's POV

"I know I should've asked you this beforehand." Taehyung grabs my hand and helps me sit up. "You know, before all that. I was just trying to be the man and romantic, but that...that-"


"Would you...ever consider...going out with someone who's a cool guy?" He asks and I smile. "Someone who is sweet, in need of love, who wants someone to spoil. A handsome and thoughtful boy you may have just met, but would like a chance to treat you better than before?"

"I would love to." My cheeks burn up and I push hair behind my ear. "But, where would I find such a prince? Where can I find someone so wonderfully made?"

He takes my hands in his. "Here? Maybe? I mean, y-yes. Sorry, uh, I didn't really plan this out and I got shy and embarrassed. I thought you were going to reject me."

"Why would I reject you?"

"We did only just meet and..." His head lowers.

"Taehyung," I grab his face and held it up so he was facing me. "Quality over quantity. I met someone sweet, why wait when you're right here?"


"Awh, you two are dating now?" Jimin claps his hands and throws his arms around me. "I cannot!"

I laugh. "Are you surprised?"

He shrugs. "I definitely had a thought, but I didn't actually think it would happen. I didn't know Taehyung had the guts. Whoa, he really did it."

"I saw it coming." Lilia winks at me. "It was too obvious. You two slept together on the first night of making up. Like, no duh!"

"Stop sucking up to her." Jimin complains.

"How's that sucking up?" Lilia snaps.

I laugh out loud and Taehyung kisses my cheek.

I hold my cheek and face him. "What was that for?"

He shrugs and giggles. "For not rejecting me and totally making me feel like a dummy. And giving me a second chance."

"I wouldn't make you a dummy! Awh, you poor thing." I pat his cheek, smiling cheekily at his cuteness.

"YAH! GET A ROOM!" Namjoon yells.

"Ok." Taehyung grabs my hand, but Jimin grabs my other hand.

"No, hyung, we don't want them making babies! They're too young, we can't risk them getting STD-" Jimin shouts.

I gasp and Lilia smacks the back of his head.

"Hey! Don't say stuff like that!" Lilia scolds as Jimin blocks himself from another smack from her.

"What are you teaching him?" I yell at Seokjin, who was chomping on some chips and looked up like a criminal when I called his name.

He shrugs and turns to Suga. Suga shrugs and turns to Namjoon. Namjoon's eyes widen and he clears his throat.

" really had to?" I shale my head in disapproval.

"Suga taught him the STD's part!" Namjoon dragged his friend down too. "He was a part of it. It wasn't ALL me!"

"Ok, thanks, man. Thanks for that." Suga grunts.

I gap.

Jimin just nods.

"So, you know about the....birds and bees thing?" Lilia asks, making Jimin face her.

Jungkook looked dumbfounded. "What is all this STD's thing? And the birds and bees? What's that?"

We all face him in disbelief.

This boy can't be this innocent. Because once you enters highschool, there's no way you'll stay innocent. Your innocence will lower faster than your grades and I'm speaking truth.

"Jungkook, it's where this guy puts his-AH!"  Namjoon was about to continue and get explicit, but gets interrupted when Seokjin tackles him to the ground and covers his mouth.

"Not yet, idiot." He whispers yells, causing us to scream in laughter.

"You guys are so funny." I cackled and covered my mouth with a hand.

Taehyung puts his arm around my shoulders. "But I'm funnier right?"

I give his cheek a soft poke. "Of course."

Jimin crosses his arms and scoffs. His playful jealously making Taehyung glare at him.

"What's with you?" Lilia asks her future boyfriend. "Your face is all.....weird."

"I'm so lonely. I have no one to kiss me. I have no one to cuddle me and give me compliments." Jimin whines.

I look to Lilia and motion her to go give him a quick kiss. She shakes her head almost immediately.

"Lilia, will you come give me a hug?" Jimin pouts like a small puppy and holds out his arms.

"Why don't you ask your BEST FRIEND?" She crosses her arms, not giving in to his adorable eyes.

He turns to me and does the same face. "Rose, will you give me a hug to make me feel better?"

"She's mine!" Taehyung shouts like a baby.


"MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE!" Taehyung shouts while kissing me between every "mine".

"Now I have no one to give me cute sweet kisses." Jimin goes back to his gloomy mood, his arms dropping.

"Lilia, kiss him." I order my friend.

She jumps up. "No, Rose!"

"Awh, come one, do it!" I plead. "Once? Jimin is like a puppy. They need love to survive!"

Her eyes softened and she looked at Jimin, who was stepping up his "puppy face" to the next level.

"No, Rose, no way, never in forever, nope. Don't use my love for dogs as some manipulation tool!"

"I dare you."

"We're not playing truth or dare. I don't HAVE to do it." She argues.

Jimin's and Namjoon's face light up.

Jimin throws his hands in the air and chants. "LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!"

Lilia groans. "No, why?"

"Because I'm bored and you won't love me."


Namjoon starts gathering us into a circle, already ready to play the risky game.

"This won't end up well." Seokjin sighs, eyes shooting looks at Hoseok.

"That was ONE day!" Hoseok explodes.

The boys started snorting from holding in their laughter.

"What happened?" I ask. "Wait, what happened?"

"Oh, you don't want know." Taehyung says, but leans in and whispers it in my ear.

I lean back and covered my face. "Ew, what the- Hoseok- ewwww. You didn't do that. You didn't."

Hoseok groans. "We were drunk. I barely remember doing it, but everyone keeps using it against me!"

"Well, hopefully no one will dare that. Let's make it nice and appropriate." I say, glaring at each one of the boys.

"It won't be as fun. Now that we have girls playing, I'm actually not bored right now." Suga says with little more enthusiasm than usual.

Taehyung growls at him and pulls me closer.

"Let's just split into two groups. One will be appropriate and the other one will not." Jin suggested, looking annoyed with all the arguing.

"Fine!" We all say in unison.

"We'll draw names." Namjoon shouts before anyone else could suggest something else.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now