Chapter 18

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Rose's POV

I gasped so loud, I felt my lungs shake. "Oh, my goodness! That's so exciting! I'm so happy for you and this and him and you guys!"

Lilia smiles, but tries to hide it with her hair. I nudged her arm continuously, going on about how Jimin will be so glad to hear her say that.

"It's just a crush..." Lilia reddens.

"A crush? Please, there's no time for crushes! That's just too adorable." I take out my phone and pulled up my messages. "Jimin will be so-"

Lilia quickly snatches my phone away from my hands and holds it to her chest.


"Rose?! Are you nuts?! You can't tell him now! Or over text!" Lilia freaks out.

I try to reach for my phone, but she holds it above her head.

"But he likes you too, Lilia! Don't you want to let him know, so you two know.....get together."

She sighs. "I-I don't know. I'm not a big fan of dating around. My feelings might go away when I'm dating him. Won't it?"

I bite my lip.

I'm not a future teller, so I didn't know how to answer.

"Rose, say something."

"All I can say now is...don't think of it like that. If you like him, tell him. It doesn't hurt to just confess. I can't speak for you, but if he tries to make a move and you can't resist, I say....go for it."

"Ok. You're right. It all depends on how I feel."

"So, you're telling him?"


week goes by

"Taehyung, I'm sorry." I said, rolling onto my bed. "I'm really, really sorry."

My boyfriend continued to whine. "You're my girlfriend, but you're not spending time with me!"

"Tae, please. My classes aren't a breeze, you know. I work hard for the grades I get. I don't have much free time on weekdays."

He sighed over the phone. "Ok, you're right. I'm sorry, Rose. It's just that I miss you and I didn't see you a lot this whole week."

"Awh, I miss you too, Tae. It's late, though. Go to sleep and get some rest."

"I'd so much rather just talk to you."

"I'll tell you what," I sat up on my bed. "Tomorrow, let's try hang out."

"Ok! Goodnight then! Sweet dreams, beautiful." Taehyung makes kissy noises in the phone.

I laughed. "You're the cutest. Goodnight."


Taehyung's POV

I quietly snuck into Rose's house with Jimin early in the next morning.

She said we can hang out. She didn't say what time.

"You sure she won't kill us?" Jimin asks as he lifts up the window. "I don't think I'm ready for death, bro."

"Nah, Rose is an angel. She couldn't kill us."

"No, I'm talking about Lilia."

"Oh..." I step back. "Yeah, try not to wake her up."

We swiftly slide in through the window and land safely on the carpet.

"Why did you bring me along again? I have no girlfriend to surprise, or possibly scare." Jimin shuts the window. "Why did I agree to this..."

I point to the kitchen. "They have hot chocolate."

"Ooh." Jimin immediately tiptoes to the kitchen

I laughed, then covered my mouth.

I slid through the halls and to Rose's room. I grabbed the doorknob in slow motion and turned it as quietly as I could manage.

Her completely covered in blankets was the first sight I see. She looked like a giant, toasty marshmallow.

Highlight of my morning.

I walk over, keeping my gaze on her sleeping state. I kneel down besides her bed and towards her face, which was peeking out from all the layers of blankets.

"You're mine today, ok, remember that." I whispered. "Wait, no. You should be mine everyday. That would make more sense."

She scrunches up her face and goes back to softly snoring.

I lean in and kissed her nose.

And I couldn't stop.

I kept kissing her face until she slowly opens her eyes.

"T-Taehyung?" Her soft, beautiful voice calls my name.

"Hey, cutie." I smiled.

"What the hell?" She lazily opens her eyes and gets up in an instant. "H-How?"

Not the reaction I was looking for...

"Shh..." I lay her back down again. "Don't get up yet, it's too early. Sleep more."

"Why...why did you come here then?"

I don't answer.

Instead, I crawl into the fluffy blankets and warmth that is right besides her. I wrap my arms around her and rested my head on the pillow.

"This is what you wanted." She weakly smiled.

"Of course." I chuckled.

She presses her head onto my chest.

"Taehyung, I don't know if this is a weird thing to say,'re very comfortable to lay on." She giggles.


"Yes. I feel like I could sleep in this position for a long, long time."

"It's probably my sweater."

I feel her shrug.

"No," Rose giggles. "I don't think so."

"It'll be very uncomfortable if I didn't have this sweater on. It'll be all sweaty and awkward." I sigh.

"You don't have confidence in your body?" She looked up at me, eyes sparkling

It's not that I don't have confidence. It's just that I have problems with jealously and competition, so seeing all those body builders got me feeling sorry for myself.

I don't have a perfect and defined 6-pack. I don't have large biceps that can lift thousands of pounds. I don't have thighs that can crush a whole watermelon.

Ok, maybe it is that I don't have confifence in my own body.

I was about to respond with a much shorter answer, but I feel a hand creep up my sweater and a hand rest on my bare chest.

I held my breath from the sudden touching and skinship.

Her hand starts to trace random shapes with just a finger. A square, a heart, a star, an infinity sign. All over my stomach.

I shivered at her touch.

"W-What are you doing?" I stammered.

"You should love your body, Taehyung. It isn't bad at all."

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now