Chapter 14

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Rose's POV

"No! No, no, no, no!" I cry out as soon as Namjoon calls out my name from the jar for the truth or dare game. "I can't be with you! Come on, you ruined Jimin's innocence! I don't want to know what else you know about the birds and bees."

Taehyung hugs me from behind. "It's going to be ok, Rose. It's not too bad."

"And," Namjoon pulls another name out. "Jimin!"

Taehyung drops his arms. "WHAT?!"

Jimin jumps up and cheers. "Whoo!!"

"No! That can't be right! She's my girlfriend, I should be with her!" Taehyung shouts like a baby.

I stand up and Taehyung grabs my leg

He grabs my hand before I could walk away. "You don't get too crazy. It'll be horrible if you cheated on me just minutes into our newfound relationship."

"Taehyung, I won't cheat." I give his hair a little ruffle. "You don't get too crazy either."

"There's nothing to get crazy to." He mumbles and turns back around to his boring group.

"Get in your groups and get to playing!" Seokjin yells and gathers his team up.

I was in Namjoon's circle. Him, Jimin, Lilia, me, and Suga. We were a mix of excitement and fear. The two girls stuck with the dirty boys.

I sat down next to Lilia and waited for the worse.

"Go ahead, Rose, since you look the most scared right now, you can go first." Suga says.

I nod. "Ok, fine. Lilia?"

"Oh, great." Lilia lowers her head.

"Truth or dare?" I continue, ideas suddenly popping into my head.

"Truth." She chooses, obviously trying to get her way out easy and quick.

I grin. "Perfect."

Suga, Jimin, and Namjoon watched closely.

"Is it true have feelings for Jimin?" I ask, leaning forward.

She gives me a death glare. "Oh, I'm so getting back at you."

"Answer the question, Lilia." Jimin leans in too, excited for the answer.

"You want the truth?" She asks.

"Yes!" We all scream.

"I-I did."

Jimin and I screamed instantly.

"Hey! I said 'did'!" Lilia yells.

I nudge Jimin on the arm and he smiles.

Jimin leans over to her, pretending to give her a kiss on the cheek, and Lilia pushes him away.

"Don't play hard to get!" Jimin whines.

"I'm not playing!" Lilia shouts. "It's my turn! Rose!"

I lean back up. "What? You can't call on me, call on somebody else! That's the rule, Lilia. Don't you know the rules?!"

"No, no, let her continue." Namjoon stops me.

Lilia copies my evil grin. "Perfect. Since I already said truth, you can't say that."

"What! That's not how the game goes. That's not fair!"

"It is true in some countries." Namjoon shrugged, flashing a geeky smile.


"I dare you to-"

"I didn't even say 'dare' yet. You should ask me first, I mean, that's how the game goes, right?" I force a laugh. "This isn't right. I need a lawyer."

"Drama queen." Suga whispered, but I heard him loud and clear.

"Suga, I'll dare you to run a mile in your underwear. I would." I point a finger at him. "I won't hesitate."

Lilia laughs and shakes her head. "Rose, just listen!"

I rest my head on my hands. "Go ahead, then. Please have mercy."

"I dare you to go into a room with Jimin and make Taehyung think you're cheating on him." Lilia whispers into my ear.

My eyes widen. "I was being nice to you, Lilia!"

"What was it?" Suga asks.

"She wants me to..." I lower my voice. "Make Taehyung think I'm cheating on him with Jimin."

Suga claps his hands and nods. "That's perfect!"

Namjoon high-fives Lilia. "Good one."

"Watch him break up with me..." I mumble. "It'll be going on record for shortest relationship ever. Thanks, Lilia!"

Jimin wiggles his eyebrows at me. "What should we do, Rose?"

I shrug. "I don't know...I don't know anything."

Before I could think of something that could be interesting and not too scandalous, Jimin leans in and whispers gibberish in my ear. I was about to turn and question him, but he had the AUDACITY to bite my ear before I could react.


Taehyung's POV

"Hyung, you keep glancing at Rose, are you scared for her?" Jungkook puts his hand on my knee.

"No...I just wished I was in that group with them." I turn back to him. "It looks fun."

"This is boring!" Hoseok shouts and smacks the ground with his feet. "I want to do something else. I want to be in that group. I wonder what they're doing. They're laughing so loud."

"Oh, you want to do THAT again. I'm sure you do." Seokjin laughs and Hoseok shoves him over.

They start to bicker with each other and as much as I enjoy when the oldies argue, I couldn't stop being jealous of the other group.

We're here, not even playing the game, and they're there....actually playing the game.

I turn around again and see Jimin whispering something into Rose's ear.

I wonder what they're up to. Who's turn is it? What happened? What's he saying? Why does Rose look so terrified?

I see my girlfriend flinch in the corner of my eye. I turn around and see Jimin looking at her with his flirty smile.

"What the..." I turned around fully and watched them from afar. "What the heck is he doing?"

Jungkook notices my glare towards the other group and he smacks my leg. "Hey, Tae, don't worry, I bet it's just a dare."

I zighed and tried loosen up. "Yeah, yeah, you're probably right."

Two minutes passed off more boring stuff and I notice Jimin taking Rose's hand and leading her up the stairs.

Up where no one could see them.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now