Chapter 44

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Taehyung's POV

I barge into Rose's room with Jimin following behind me.

"Rose?" I look around her room. "Oh, there you are?" I see Rose behind her bed rolled up in her blanket.

She was talking to her wall.

I run over to her and lift her up so she was looking at me and I could see her face.

"Rose, are you alright? Do you feel alright?"

"Oh, hey there, attractive man! I was just thinking of you! How was the flight?" She smiles and kisses my nose.

"You were? My flight? What?"

"I was thinking of your nice comfy arms around me." She giggles.

I blush. "You were?"

She nods. "Yes..."

I pick her up and set her down on her bed. "Well, I do have nice arms.."

Jimin's POV

"Lilia? Are you in here?" I quietly open Rose's bathroom door. "Lilia?"

Lilia pops out of nowhere, startling me. "Jiminnie! There you are! I was looking for you!"

"Looking for me?" I step into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

"Yeah, I was looking for you under the laundry." She laughs and points to the pile of clothes.

"Wh-Why would I be under there?"

"You're small, boy." She giggles.

" She giggles

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"I'm leaving."

"No, no, don't go. You're MY small boy, don't go." She whines and pulls me into a hug.

She fell into my arms and I just stand there, but that's when she starts snoring.

"Lilia? Lilia?" I call her name.

She wakes up and looks at me weirdly. "Jimin? Why are you hugging me?"

I shake my head and smile. "Lilia, you're drunk. Let me help you to the room."

"Drunk? You're drunk, I'm not, hahaa, I haven't had a drink since the first day of my freshmen year." She pokes my nose and giggles. "Don't tell anyone."

I lead her to Rose's room and notice Taehyung and Rose weirdly smiling and poking each other's faces.

"What's your excuse, Tae?" I laugh.

He clicks his tongue at me. "Whatever. How's Lilia?"

"Fine, I guess. What about Rose?"

"She's good, she's being extra cute." Taehyung says and kisses Rose's forehead.

Rose turns around slowly and rubs her eyes. " that you? Ugh, I love that new hair color. Purple suits you, ha."

I tilt my head. "Purple, no-"

"Ok, Rose, let's get you some water and you'll be going to bed." Taehyung helps Rose stand up.

"Bed? Really? Hahahha, oh my gosh, Taehyung, you're killing me." She laughs and smacks Taehyung. "Telling me to sleep is like telling McDonalds to make healthier burgers."

I snicker and Lilia dies laughing.

"Rose, you should be a comedian person. I would buy all your ti-tickets!" Lilia hiccups.

"I LOVE MY FANS!" Rose yells back.

Taehyung and I eye each other weirdly. I shrug and he shrugs.

"Come on, Rose. Jimin, why don't you...why don't you put Lilia to bed."

"Ok. Let's go, Lilia."

Taehyung's POV

"Whoa, when did I get spiral stairs in this fun house?" Rose looks around her house like she has never seen it before.

I nod. "Ok, careful now. Sit down on the couch and wait for me, ok?"

She sits down and looks at me cutely. "Don't worry, babealicious, I'll always wait for you."

I wave to her and turn around to her kitchen. I pour a glass of water and quickly walk back to Rose. The poor cutie already fell asleep on the couch.

"Awh, Rose, you ARE tired." I set down the glass of water and pick up Rose, bridal style.

I carefully walk back upstairs and to her room. I set her down on her bed and lay her blankets over her.

I kneel down by her face and kiss her cheek. "Goodnight, love."

I stand back up and pick out all the box of chocolates in her room and bring them back with me.

Jimin's POV

"Ok, where's your room, Lilia?" I ask her.

She shrugs. "On a rainbow, right next to yours."

I turn red. "Lilia?"


"We can't go to a rainbow."

"Why not?"

"It didn't rain today."

"Awh, that sucks. I bet it's in America..."

"Lilia, where's your room in this house?"

"Oh, I don't have a room here. But...I usually sleep in the guest bedroom right over...there." Lilia points to a door.

We enter the room and I lay her down on the bed. She tries to get up, but I hold her down.

"Why do I have to sleep?" She whines.

"You need rest because you're not feeling well. When you wake up, there will be a surprise."



"Ok, goodnight!" She goes under the covers and I already hear snoring.

I smile and exit the room quietly.

"Oh, hey, Jimin, ready to go?" Taehyung asks.

I nod. "Yes, let's go."


We arrive back at Seokjin's house and everyone was in the living room watching a drama.


"Hyung, why are you so loud?" Jungkook groans.

"Because this girl needs some pep talk!" He yells at Jungkook and turns back to the screen.

"Oh, where were you, Taehyung?" Hoseok asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Not asking me? Am I invisible?" Jimin scoffs.

"We were at Rose and Lilia's. They got...sugar crazy and we had to help them...with something." I lied with a chuckle.

"Nope! They ate Namjoon's chocolates and got drunk!" Jungkook screams. "BECAUSE OF WINE!"

Namjoon shoots up. "Jungkook!"

"Drunk girls?" Suga opens his eyes. "Huh? Where?"

I throw a pillow at him.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now