Chapter 53

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Rose's POV

"Come home with me, beautiful." Taehyung wraps his arms around my waist as we wait for the gang outside of school.

I blush from the cold. "Tae, this is the first time in the whole week where I didn't get any homework from any of my classes. I have time to do all my errands and chores. A girl has some work to do outside of school too, you know."

Taehyung chuckles quietly before kissing me on the lips. "I have special plans....for us."

I sigh. "Oh, fine, I love being with you anyways."

We stay cuddled up together to keep warm in the cold as we continue to wait.

Taehyung's Pov

Finally, Jin, Suga, and Namjoon show up. Then Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook, and Lilia.

"Hey, no homework tonight!" Jungkook yells while throwing his arms in the air. "More time for games!"

Seokjin stares him down.

Jungkook looks at him with big eyes. "Um, I mean, reading and studying, so I will be successful man in the whole world. And I will be able to buy all my friends food and clothing."

"That's more like it." Seokjin flips his hair.

We all laugh together.

"So, what are your plans for tonight?" Namjoon asks us. "I plan on working on my music."

"I wanna sleep." Suga looked even more pale in the cold.

"I might go shopping with Suho." Seokjin says while typing on his phone.

"Who's Suho?" We all ask.

"He's a friend from awhile ago. He goes to a different school. We plan on meeting up today." He answers.

Jungkook leans over to whisper to us. "I met him last summer, he's got cha-ching."

"I'm going to spend time with my parents." Hoseok says while doing a quick dance move. "Show then what I've learned!"

"I want to hang out with my brother." Jimin says.

"I'm hanging with Rose, obviously." Lilia nudges her arm.

"But, Lilia, we were going to-"

Lilia pulls me away from Rose. "She needs time to get ready, duh, dinner isn't at 3 in the afternoon."

"Oh!" I nod and go back to Rose. "Babe, actually, I wanted to take you out during the night. You and Lil can have some girl time."

Rose looks at me and turns back to Lilia. "Yas! It's been awhile."

Everyone parts and I walk with Jinnie.

"Jin, hyung, hyung." I call him.


"Where should I take Rose for dinner?"

"How come you don't know anything?"

"Please help me out. I ask you because you're the expert in romance...and everything."

"As true as that should think of something on your own. Make it YOUR date, not mine."

I furrow my brows. "Huh? What does that mean?"

"You know Rose more than I do. This is where you do your creative thinking, where you KNOW Rose will love."

I nod. "Ok...ok, I think I got this. But I'm going to need some help."

"Well, I'm actually busy. I have a bus to take soon." Jin pats my back and walks ahead.

I sigh. "Ok..."

"But wait! I actually have an idea. Come with me."

Rose's POV

"So, what do you want to do, Lilia? Where would you like to go?" I ask her as we arrive at my house.

"Um, let's go to your closet!" Lilia says and pulls me towards my room before I could react.

"Wh-What? Why?"

We go inside my closet and Lilia starts looking through my clothes.

"Lilia? What are you doing? Are we going out somewhere? We better not be going to a party."

She shakes her head. "Taehyung's taking you out to dinner."

"Yeah, but I think I'm old enough to dress myself up."

"No, no, this is not just an ordinary dinner-"

"Well, this is a school night, so-"

"Listen to me, Rose! Just trust me. Trust your best friend to make you make your boyfriend fall in love with you all over again."

I stood there, lost. "I-I..."

"Come here. What goes best with your figure?" She shows me two dresses. "Black or white?"

"Definitely no dresses." I hold up my hands. "I can't do dresses in the cold, girl."

Lilia looks at me, completely shocked at what I just said.

"What? It's going to be freezing out, I can't wear a dress and have a jacket over it. That's like eating a salad and then eating pizza right after." I argue with a straight face on.

Lilia scoffs and continues looking. "Oh my gosh, fine, I'll look for something WARM!"

She continues looking and finally, she pulls something out.

"Try this on." She orders and pushes me into the bathroom to change.

" She orders and pushes me into the bathroom to change

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I stare at myself at the mirror.

"Wow." I breath out. "I didn't know I had clothes like this in there."

"This is why you need to mix things up a bit. Now, open up, its time for hair." Lilia yells.

I open the door and she barges in.

She works on my hair and curls it. Then she moves to my face and puts on a very natural look for me.

Lilia quickly moved on and sprays vanilla perfume around my body and in my hair.

"My hair?" I gasp.

"Trust me!" She yells and continues.

After all the hassling, Lilia brings me to my mirror to observe the finished project.

I almost threw my lungs away. I was so breathtaken by how beautiful I looked and how talented Lilia was.

"Girl, you look so nice with that jacket." Lilia complements while covering her mouth. "You should let me borrow it sometime."

"Thank you so much, Lilia, you're seriously the best ever!" I hug her.

"Dang, girl, you smell so good too! If I were a guy, I would totally ask for your number." She jokes and I laugh with her.

"What time is it?" I ask her.

She checks her phone. "Oh my gosh! You're about to be late to meet your boy! Hurry, grab your bag and phone, I'll drive you!"

"Ha, you can't drive."

"Then, what are we going to do?"

I shrug. "Maybe, we could call my mom?"

"She's working and we can't wait for her to get home."

The front door downstairs suddenly opens and shuts, causing us to jump.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now