Chapter 34

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2 Months have passed

Rose's POV

"Seokjin, I thought we got over this." I snatch the banana out of his hand. "You are HORRIBLE at magic tricks."

He scoffs with a small hairflip. "Please. When I did it the last time, your parents loved it!"

"That was months ago and they were just being nice, since you tend to get a little...... sensitive."

"It worked! If it wasn't for me, your parents would've freaked out at your colorless face."

Jungkook joins in on our weird conversation. "I saw it happen. We all know what you did with that banana."

"OoooooOoOOoo, what are y'all talking about?" Namjoon comes in while wiggling his eyebrows. "Bananas in where? Hm? Seokjin, what did you do with the banana?"

"Aren't bananas the key word for a peni-" Hoseok holds up a finger, but a pillow gets thrown at his head.

Suga holds up another pillow. "Jungkook is in the room, idiots."

"Who knew you all have such a dirty minds." I press my lips together. "No. I BEEN KNEW!"

"No, no! I wasn't thinking about the sexual reproductive organ!" Jungkook wiggled his hands around. "Seokjin just threw it behind him!"

Jimin pops up. "I know who corrupted all these minds. It was Suga!"

Suga gasps. "It wasn't just me!"

Lilia pulls Jimin away by his ear. "Stop, you're making everything worse, Jimin."

"Am I? Am I, really?" Jimin sings with his face really close to Lilia's.

Hoseok jumps in again and starts dancing to "Touch My Body" by SISTAR.

As everyone was screaming and scolding each other for talking about dirty things, Taehyung comes running in while waving a piece of paper around in his hand.


I hug him back, trying not to fly off.

He finally puts me down and I almost tumble over from the dizziness.

"Tae-Taehyung, what was that fo-for?" I hold onto Seokjin's shoulder for balance. "What's the paper?"

Taehyung's eyes shined brightly as he held up the piece of paper for all of us to see.

We gathered around to see what he was showing.

His grades went from Cs and Ds to Bs and As. Even in Mr. Ilnune's class, his grade went up.

I squeal like a pig as I hug him again. "You did it, babe! You did it! I'm so proud of you!"

Taehyung crashes his lips onto mine and pulls away quickly. "It's all because of you, my sweet pie full of rainbows and sweetness!"

I laugh at his adorable response. "Thank you."

I move to the side so his besties can smack his back and bombard him with "DUDE", "BRO", and "NICE MAN, GUESS YOU ACTUALLY DID STUDY WITH ROSE".

Lilia puts her arm around my shoulder.

"You two actually studied this whole time. Wow, when you didn't get home until 10, I really thought you two were smashing."

"HAHA, no. I was teaching him a fun way to study using an app and flashcards. He was so excited about it, he made me play with him over and over again. It paid off. He aced the test the next day."

"He's going to give you some good loving tonight."

"Lilia!" I slap her arm.

"Ok, fine, but I'm not wrong."

I glare at her. "Speaking of which, you were going to tell me about that date you went on with Jimin yesterday."

Lilia scrunches up her face. "Do you have to ruin every moment we have? I said I'll tell you when we get back home."

"Fine, fine-"

"It was MAGICAL!" Lilia yells as she pulls me away into the hallway. "He took me to my favorite bubble tea place and bought me my ultimate FAV drink and even got me whip cream." She grips my collar. "I LOVE whip cream!"

"Eheh, that's amazing!" I slowly remove her hands from my shirt. "Continue."

"I got whip cream on the corner of my mouth and....wait for it....he...wiped it off with a napkin very gently!" She pauses to squeal. "His face was so close to mine and he was so focused, it was so cute. He looked up at me and we just stared at each other for like 3 minutes! And when he smiled, I felt like melting."

"That sounds so romantic." I smile.

We both squeal together until we get interrupted by the guys.

We walk back into the kitchen and I see Jimin wrapping his arm around Lilia's waist.

Cupids never lie.

"Wait until I show my parents! They are gonna be so happy." Taehyung's face was never looked so bright.

He pulls out his phone and dials a number.

"Hehehe, he's calling his mom." Hoseok nudges my side.

I laugh. "I know, shh."

"Hey, mom.....I have great news.....I really want to show you right now, are you home?....oh....but when will you have time.....but mom this is, it's better if I show you the......fine, ok....ok....." Taehyung's bright face disappeared.

Just like that.

I stand up and walk closer to him.

"Mother, it won't be as fun for me if I just tell you on the mind...see you." Beep, end of call.

He sits down on the couch and covers his head with his hands.

My heart starts throbbing as I hear very quiet sniffles from him. I sit down next to him and rub his back.

"Tae...are you ok?" I ask.

Everyone gathers around.

"No, Rose, I'm not ok. The one moment I worked very hard for and was so looking forward to show my parents how much I worked for...and they're not here to see it." His voice cracks at the end. "They're always TOO busy for me and they don't even care about what I have to say about it. They make such a big deal for me to raise my grades and suddenly, they don't care."

I can't believe this. Just months ago, they were being such a happy and caring family. Oh no, there goes my tears. HOLD IT IN, ROSE, HOLD IT IN!

Seokjin starts sobbing. "This poor boy, oh, you don't deserve this! Ahahahwawawa, someone get some tissues." He hugs Taehyung.

Suga groans and goes to find tissues.

"Babe, don't think that. I'm sure they have their reasons. It'll be ok. I'm sure once they have time, they will see your grades and be so proud." I assured him.

"Yeah, they have their reasons. Just think, the more time you have, the more time you have to hang out with me." Jimin gently elbows Jungkook's stomach.

"I mean, with Rose." Jungkook glares at Jimin.

Taehyung looks up and smiles at me and his friends. "You're right, I guess. More time I have to spend with all of you. I'm overreacting..."

"Yeah, just like Rose." Jimin laughs.

"I will slap you so hard, your head will spin!" I jump off the couch to tackle him down.

Taehyung's POV

While Rose was chasing Jimin around, I huddle everyone closer.

"You know, the more free time I have, maybe I can have the dream date I've been planning to take Rose on." I whisper with sly smirk.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now