Chapter 29

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Rose's POV

"Why did you do that?" I asked him, my tone gradually becoming more weak. "What was that for?"

"Rose, I-I just don't want my mom to see me kissing you. Please don't be loud about it."

My jaw drops.

Without another word, I get up from the couch.

I press my lips together and hold in the questions that formed inside. I turn my heel and start walking away.

"Ro-Rose! Where are you going?" Taehyung calls after me.

I ignore him.

I meet Lilia, Jimin, Seokjin, Suga, and Namjoon all gathered up in one bedroom, playing board games and laughing their heads off.

I silently enter the room and sit down next to Lilia. I lean on her shoulder and cover my face with my hair.

"Rosie?" Lilia leans on my head. "You good?"

I open my eyes and see everyone's eyes on me. The laughing died down and they looked concerned.

I shrug. "I just feel odd inside. That's all."

"I know I should be comforting you, but you are too cute right now." Suga flashes his gummy smile and winks at me.

I blush. "You're being cute too, Suga."

"I'm also really sweet." He moves my bangs away from my face with his finger.

Lilia cups my cheeks and squeezes them so I  was making a duck face.

"Tell us, Rose." She says, softly. "Why do you look so sad? What happened? Was it Taehyung? What did he do?"

"It's ok, Rose, you can tell us." Jimin reaches over and touches my knee.

I sit up. "I don't think Taehyung's proud of me being his girlfriend."

Everyone murmurs in confusion.

"Why?" Lilia furrows her brows.

I shrug again. "He told me he didn't want....never mind. I'm going to go take a walk."

"No, Rose. Please, don't leave." Jungkook grabs my leg.

"It's cold out, Rose." Hoseok says.

"It's alright. Cooler air, the fresher." I weakly chuckled.

"If you're going, so am I." Lilia gets up too. "Don't leave a lady hanging. Chicks before dic-"

"Lil, you stay here and have fun, ok? I'm just going out to clear my mind. I'll come back." I give her and the boys a small smile before leaving the room.

As I open the door, I see Taehyung walking towards me.

"Rose, where are you going?" He asks.

"I'm going for a small walk."

"Can-Can I go with you?"

"Dinner's ready soon, Taehyung. You should go eat and hang with your family." I denied and walked past him.

"Rose, I just don't want to tell my parents-"

"You don't need to explain." I held up my hand to stop him. "You don't want your parents to know you're dating me. Ok. Fine. I get it."

I turn back around, feeling so unconfident in myself.

I sneak past the adults and went outside. It was a cold night. There was frost on the ground and the air was crisp.

With only the sweater I had on, I was freezing. But I didn't want to go back inside. It'll just bring attention to myself. That definitely not something I need right now.

I strolled around the unfamiliar neighborhood, with my arms tightly around my chest.

Am I someone his parents won't like as his girlfriend?

Is it because I focus too hard on school?

Am I not pretty enough?

Ok, maybe I'm just insecure.

I sighed deeply as I walk around the dim neighborhood.

The night felt darker and I shivered. Thoughts on kidnapping enter my insecure mind and my heart starts beating faster.

I shake my head and continue walking around.

I'll be ok.

Just a few minutes walking, no biggie.

I play on my phone for awhile. Checking texts, emails, games, feed. I didn't notice the street lights slowly turning off one by one, making the night even darker.

"Wha-" I cut myself off as the last streetlight turned off.

It was so was completely dark. I couldn't see anything except my hands and phone.

I freaked out. I'm scared. I was alone in the dark in an unknown neighborhood. My phone battery was getting low and I have no pockets!

I'm gonna die.

This is how I die.

This is it.

"It's dark, so-so no one can see me, right?" I whisper to myself as I try to find my way back. "No one can kill me if they don't see me. That's right. Just shut up."

I just turned around and started walking faster, but my feet hit the frosty grass.

I'll just use my phone. I'll make use of this device.

I turn on the flashlight with my phone and start shining it in front of me.

Didn't help.

All I could see was a bright light coming from the phone and nothing more. It didn't help me see the front, but just where I was standing.

I just continue walking on the cement ground. I had my arms out and my eyes were wide open.

"I'm ok. I'm fine. I'm fi-"

I hear footsteps.

They're fast.

They're loud.

They're close.

I also hear heavy breathing.

Oh great, this is how I die. This is how I go.

I didn't even get to eat ice cream at 3am yet! I didn't get to go skydiving or bungee jumping. I haven't even gone zip lining before! I haven't even finish the drama I was watching! How will I ever find out that Goo-

A body slams into me and my hearts just explodes. I shrieked so loud, my voice automatically shuts off.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now