Chapter 31

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Jimin's POV

"The next thing you know, wine started squirting out of his nose and into his food!" Tae's ma slams her hand on the table from laughing so hard.

So does every adult sitting at this dining table.

I sat there, trying to take a bite out of my chicken, but the table moves and it flies out of my chopsticks.

I groaned in annoyance and tried to take a drink of my water. Of course, someone slams their hand on the table again and causes me to flinch and spill the water all over my shirt.

"Excuse me." I hiss, although no one heard.

I walk to the kitchen to find a towel.

"These adults went on some time machine and went back to being teenagers." I mumbled to myself. "I don't know why they're so lou- AH!"

A small figure was hunched over, just outside this house.

"Rose?" I quickly dry myself up and sneaked outside, which wasn't hard because the parents were busy talking about alcohol.

I run to the side of the house and see Rose balled up. She was sitting on a cement block with her face covered between her legs and her arms wrapped around herself.

She was shivering and my heart ached.

"What did Taehyung do this time?" I let out my voice as softly as I can.

She looks up at me and as soon as I see her face, I suddenly have the urge to punch Taehyung for whatever he did to her.

She had no color in her face and her mascara was slightly running. Her eyes were swollen and red. Obviously from the crying she must've done. She didn't care about me, though. All she did was fake a smile and go back to crying.

I rushed inside the house and came back out with a blanket. I walk to her and wrapped the blanket around her.

She looks at me. "Tha-Thank you."

I wrap my arm around her and as soon as I touch her, I pull back.

"Oh my goodness, Rose," I gasp. "You're as cold as ice. Let's go inside before you seriously get hurt."

I try to help her get up, but she doesn't budge.

Rose shakes her head. "I-I can-can't feel my legs, my arms, my body..."

Seeing Rose like this really ruins my mood, I need to help her get back on her feet. Literally.

"Well, you're not staying out here." I said and with that, I pick her up bridal style and try to cover her head with a blanket.

"No, Jimin, please, leave me here. I don't want anybody seeing me right now." Even her voice sounded depressing.

I click my tongue. "You really expect me to leave you here. Don't worry. Parents are too occupied with themselves to notice."

I walk to the front of the house and quietly knock on the door.

Thankfully, Seokjin opens the door.

He gasps. "Rose-"

"I'll explain later, Seokjin, please distract the parents so I can get her to the bedroom." I order. "Please hurry."

He nods and disappears.

As I was taking off my shoes and sneaking behind everyone, I hear the dumbest thing ever.

"I have a magic trick, look!" Seokjin shouts. "As you see, this banana is in my hand, right, and then's not!"

I'm not even going to look.

I run into the bedroom and join the rest of the worried gang. Seokjin follows shortly after me.

Lilia shrieks as I move the blanket away from Rose's pale face.

"My baby! Oh my gosh, that bi-" Lilia tries her best not to curse in front of everybody. "Someone get some food for her! And blankets, and pillows, warm water, hot towels-"

Rose puts her shaky hand on Lilia's arm. "Don't worry so much."

Lilia makes a weird noise and shakes her head. "Uh-huh! Ok, I won't worry about my almost frozen-to-death best friend forever!" She turns her head back to Jungkook, Suga, and Hoseok with a death glare. "WHY ISN'T ANYONE MOVING?! MOVE MOVE MOVE!"

They all scramble to get up and Hoseok trips over his own foot.

Lilia rolls her eyes and pulls off a blanket from Taehyung's bed and wraps it around Rose.

As everyone was desperately trying to do something, I kept thinking about Taehyung and what he could've done to Rose...

Did he say without thinking again?

Taehyung's POV

I am such an idiot.

Rose, my girlfriend, was always so sweet with me and always trying to spend time with me. The girl who I know loves me....and I told her that she wasn't inportant to me.

Why am I such a dumbass?!

I kick a rock with all my might and accidentally hurt my half-numb foot. I groan out loud in pain as I start limping back to the house.

I am not Taehyung. I am not myself. I am not the angelic guy Rose thought I was. I feel dead inside.

Who in hell tells the girl they're dating that they are not important and that they're annoying?

I finally reach the house and I look inside the window. No sight of Jimin, Seokjin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok, Suga, Lilia, or Rose.

They must be hearing about how I'm such a horrible and disgusting boyfriend.


I doubt that's my title now.

I groaned out loud again, slapping my face.

Why couldn't I tell her?

Why couldn't I just tell her the truth?

Because I was afraid?

I slam my hand on the cement and fall to the ground in agony. I didn't feel any pain physically, but emotionally.....I might need a hospital.

I don't blame her.

I don't blame Rose.

I just don't know if she'll ever look me in the eye like how she did before.

With love.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now