Chapter 32

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Rose's POV

I lay my head down on Suga's lap while he holds a hot towel to my forehead.

"I can't find him!" Lilia bursts through the door with her fists in the air. "I looked all over this house!"

"He must be outside." Jimin says.

"I'm going to smack him so hard...." She turns around to go find him, but she backs into the room and shuts the door.

"You're not going to find Taehyung?" Namjoon asks with a chuckle.

"It's too cold."

"Rose," Suga pouts as he played with my hair. "Stop frowning, you're making me sad."

"I'm sorry, Suga." I sighed. "It's just..."

"You don't have to apologize. You've been through the numb feeling..." Suga awkwardly laughs. "The-The numbness in your body, where you feel like you can't feel anything, but dullness. Happiness and satisfaction seems so foreign when you feel so far away from becoming better. It's like starting at the very bottom and losing everything you worked for and that is losing feeling...."

We all looked at him.

"Damn, ok, Suga." Hoseok tries to laugh, but immediately shuts up. "That's, um, that's pretty deep, bro."

"Martin Luther King is shaking." Lilia comments.

Before the room could get any more depressing, Namjoon runs into the room with a board game in his hands. "Hey, let's go play a game. Come downstairs!"

"You coming?" Jungkook holds out his hand for me.

I take his hand and smile at him. "Yeah, I guess. Let me go clean up first. I'll meet you all downstairs."

Lilia gives me a quick hug before leaving out the door.

I walk into the bathroom to fix my hair.
As I was combing my hair with my fingers and stared at myself in the mirror, the door slams open.

"Oh, Lilia? Did you forget-" I reach for the doorknob.

Before I could turn it, Taehyung appears in front of me with a face of anger.

"F**k." I silently cursed as I jumped back.

He had his hood on and his hands were trembling besides him.

I could feel a chill devour me as I watched how his breath was shaky and deep. And his skin was as pale as mine.

I knew he was out in the cold too, but I didn't feel any sympathy for him.

I turned back to the mirror with an eye roll.  "I don't want to talk, Taehyung. The others are downstairs."

Taehyung walks closer to me in seconds with the same cold expression. He grabs my waist and uses his other hand to grab my arm.


Once again, cut off.


But with a kiss.

A soft kiss, yet rough. A fast kiss, yet slow.

His hands traveled to my cheeks, then to my hair. He pressed me against the sink counter and trapped me with his wide torso.

There's the love I've been craving for, but was too afraid to make the move again after. The same passion, the same force, I knew I was going to miss it if I decided to leave him.

Taehyung pulls away, leaving me breathless.  He looks me straight in the eye and pushes against me for a warm bear hug.

"I'm so sorry, Rose. Please forgive me. I am such a horrible boyfriend. Who treats their girlfriends like that? Or anyone that way? Who says that? That was so impulsive and insensitive."

Taehyung presses his body against me and connects our lips together again.

I was about to kiss back harder, but he cuts it short.

"And if that wasn't enough..." Taehyung grabs my hand and pulls me out of the bathroom.

He pulls me into the living room where everyone was hanging out.

Great, a crowd....

"Oh, Taehyung, Rose. Where have you be-"

"Sorry, mom, but I have something to tell you." Taehyung looks to me in the eye. "I have something important to tell you and dad."

Everyone turns their attention us.

My cheeks burned.

"Rose, this sweet and sexy girl, is my girlfriend." Taehyung says with a rough voice, immediately earning lots of whistles from Namjoon and Suga.

My eyes widen. "He did not."

"He just did, oh girrrrlllll!" Jimin claps his hands.

Lilia smacks his arm. "Be quiet! Let him continue!"

"I said some...very horrible things to her." Taehyung takes my hands. "I made her feel something so horrible, no one should ever feel that way. Especially someone like her. I met her not too long ago and we didn't start off on the right foot. I was too busy being sad in my own small forest, I didn't notice the sun shining brightly through the trees."

Hoseok stands up. "I'm your hope!"

"He's talking about Rose." Everyone groans at him.

Jungkook pulls him down.

I smile and turned back to Tae.

"I'm so sorry, Rose. I've made things worse, I shouldn't have been so quiet towards you. And, I shouldn't have kept you a secret from my parents." Taehyung apologizes with a tight grip on my hands.

I wrap my arms around his neck. "I forgive you. I can't be mad at you for so long."

We hear "AW"s from our parents.

"My daughter....she found her love and her love loves her back!" My dad starts squeaking towards the end of his sentence.

Hoseok stands up again. "My heartue!" He grabs his shirt and pretends to fall over like in dramas. "Oh my god."

My mom wipes her eyes with a tissue. "I'm gonna cry. That's so sweet."

"You're already crying." Taehyung's mom leans on her shoulder. "But you're right. This is too cute."

"Seokjin, are you recording?" Jimin asks.

"Y-Yes, this is so cuuttteeee, ahahwawawa." Seokjin cries while holding his phone up. "Turn this way please, I need the angles!"

Taehyung kisses my lips as soon as I turn back to him.

"He has more jams than you." Namjoon jokes at Jimin.

Jimin stands up with his fists all balled up. "I THOUGHT WE GOT OVER THAT!"

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