Chapter 39

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Rose's POV

"Taehyung?" I look down to see his face. "You ok?"

He was VERY concentrated on his studies. Way more than usual and I wanted to know what was going on with him. It's not a bad thing, it's just a girlfriend thing...

He nods his head, not looking at me.

I rub his back, trying to get him to look at me. "Tae...why are you so focused right now?"

He shrugs. "Is it a bad thing?"

"Well, you're not usually like this. The past couple weeks, it would take me 10 minutes to get you focused on the work. Maybe even a treat if you get too crazy." I laugh, thinking about our memories together.

He looks up at me with bright eyes. He leans in close and knocks his forehead with mine.

"You're so cute when you worry." He says while slowly leaning in closer to my face.

His lips meet mine and his hand meets my cheek, keeping me close.

"I just want to work hard on my studies, so I will do well in school." He finally explains. "That way, I can be with you and prove to my parents that I can handle school and a love life or just a life in general."

"But you're doing so well already."

"Yeah, but....I want to explode their minds with such proudness." He exclaims. "I want to show them how much I'm capable of."

"Awh, you are such a man."

"I'm doing it for you, Rose."

I smile. "Taehyung, you're so sweet."

"It was always for you, Rose."

I pout. "You're making me feel so happy. I am such a lucky person."

Taehyung holds my head and brings me to his shoulder.

"You can cry, as long as I know it's because you're happy."

"I'm not crying..."

"If you have my shoulder." He strokes my hair.


"Yes, Rose?"

"I love you."

Jimin's POV

Lilia's here!




I run to the door a bit too fast and bumped into it before I could reach for the doorknob. I rub my head and opened the door.

Lilia stands there with a big jacket on and a small backpack hanging off her shoulder.

"Lilia! You made it!" I react joyfully. "I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you could come."

Knowing me, I would give her a hug, but...I REALLY want to beat her at our dance competition, so I don't want to get hurt.

She smiles brightly at me.

Hmm? No scrunching of the face?

Instead, she walks over and hugs me tightly, a great bear hug.

I was taken back, but I hugged her just as tight.

We pull apart and I invite her inside.

"So, you ready to get your butt kicked by a girl?" Lilia teases while taking off her jacket. "You seem excited to lose. That's some good sportsmanship right there."

I turned around to grab some water bottles. "Maybe, but most importantly, are you ready to get BOMBED by the dance god?"

"Hoseok's here?"

I scoffed. "Funny. Already trying to intimidate me."

"It's a habit."

I turn around and see Lilia all suited up. Her T-shirt said "STUSSY" on it, she had black tights on, and black socks.

She smirks. "Well, as you SHOULD know. I've been practicing, and of course, I've gotten way better."

I shrug. "How much better could you have gotten?"

"Let me show you."

She walks to the TV and turns it on.

I was eyeing her every move. Every smooth, sharp, and pretty move. I was really shocked...she's so, so beautiful with that confidence of hers. The passion she has made me feel so welcomed.

Damn, I'm crazy.

Taehyung's POV

"I love you."

Her hands snake around my torso and squeezes me tight.

I widen my eyes. I'm probably more shocked than I expected.

"You-Yo-You love-love me?" I repeat her. "You said, you-you, you said that love me? Love, love? Actually love?"

She nods.

I lean back against the bed frame. "Wow, I'm shocked really."

"Hey!" Rose smacks my knee. "You said it first! You should know that already! And how could I not?"

I smile. "You're right." I jump back up and hug her. "How could you not love someone like me?"

"We should get back to studying..." She says.

I nod. "Yes, yes! Thanks for reminding me."

I open up my book again and start reading and scribbling notes. A kiss on my cheek catches my attention, but I try to ignore it. Another kiss on my cheek surprises me.

"What was that for?" I ask while slightly getting shy.

"It's to motivate you. Fighting, oppa!" She cheers.

"Such a cutie." I blushed and went down to my notes.

"I believe in you, Tae, I know you'll prove your teachers wrong!" Rose holds up a fist. "No matter what happens, I'll be with you by your side, enjoying the journey with you! Grades don't determine your wisdom, your decisions do. And so far, you're the smartest person I have ever met in my entire life."

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