Chapter 36

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Rose's POV

I've never been so UNexcited to go to school today.

I woke up 10 minutes late. I barely had time to eat breakfast and I couldn't even make my favorite breakfast smoothie! I NEED MY SMOOTHIE! Without that, I get really drowsy throughout the day.

The only thing giving me such happiness, is my outfit. I may have only had 25 minutes to get dressed and fix myself, but I actually adore my choice of clothing.


When in doubt, have a good outfit, so if you feel like sh*t, at least you don't look like sh*t.



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"LILIA! HURRY YOUR BUTT UP!" I yell as I fling my backpack over my shoulder and stuff my phone in my pocket. "WE'RE ALREADY LATE!"

"I'm coming, geez. Let's go." Lilia fixes her hair and we both head out the door.

I stepped out and saw my parent's vehicle gone from the usual spot.

"Oh, craaaaaaap. We have to walk." I groaned. "I hate walking. Especially when it's cold. I'm gonna die."

"You don't look happy this morning." Lilia says as she makes her way down the driveway.

I follow behind like a zombie. "Is it obvious?"

"You don't complain a lot. Maybe you are finally seeing how horrible this world is."

"Thanks. I needed that positivity."

We make it past the neighborhood and soon, other students are showing up on the streets, trying to make it to school on time.

"I guess we're not the only ones late." Lilia says with a laugh.

"I don't even care anynore. If I'm late, then I'm late. I'm not running on this ice. I rather go to school late than a hospital with a broken face."

"Maybe not a broken face, but a broken arm and-"


"OH MY FU- AAAYYYIIISSHHHH, JIMIN-AH, YOU DANG-!" Lilia smacks Jimin on the arm. "You almost made me slip on the ice!"

I laughed quietly and went back to hating life.

Jimin squeezes in between us. "Hey, girls. How come you're out walking?"

"We didn't have a car." I mumble, pressing my arms close to keep heat against me. "We don't like walking anyways. It's too far and it's too cold."

"Don't you guys have a bus?"

"No. My house is too close to have a bus, but too far to walk everyday."

"Oh." Jimin's eyes widen as he looks ahead. "Hey! Is that Suga?"

I looked ahead and saw a tiny Suga running down a hill from a neighborhood that just up ahead.

"This is crazy." Jimin comments.

"Why?" Lilia asks.

"Suga is running! He NEVER runs! Oh my goodness, Suga is running, people!" Jimin gaps in total shock.

"Wait for me!" We hear him shouting. His little hand in the air to get our attention.

We stopped and tried to suppress our laughter as he gets closer to us.

He finally catches to us and when he stops his pace, he falls over onto me and grips my shoulder for balance.

"I-....I haven't ran....that f-far...or years..." Suga takes a big and long breath. "I don't ever....want to do that.....again."

I pat his back. "You didn't have to run a marathon. We could've waited."

"Knowing Jimin, here would've told you to run away." He sucks in some more air. "I wasn't going to suddenly stop running to. If I did, I would've slide down the hill on my ass or my face."

"That would've been way funnier than seeing you run." Jimin teases.

"Be quiet. You know you can't run as fast with those short legs." Suga points to Jimin's legs.

"You're one to talk!"

"I just ran!"

"Ok, ok, we're already late, let's just go "

We arrive at school and we were so late that no students and hardly any staff were out in the halls.

"Ok, thanks for your help, Rose. I'll be on my way to my locker. I'll see you later." Suga tries walking away, but fails and tumbles onto some lockers. "I'm-I'm ok-"

"I'll be going with him. I don't want him to bump into everything he sees. See you, Rose. Bye, Lilia." Jimin playfully blows a kiss towards her. "Don't miss me."

Lilia blushes and turns away.

We walk to Lilia's locker.

"Have you noticed anything different about Jimin lately?" I blurt out a question, causing Lilia to freeze.

"Now that I think of it, yeah, actually. He's been more suspicious."


"Like, when you left on Tuesday, after lunch, I asked Jimin about Taehyung and he said he was just busy. He said the same thing the other times I asked him. He's been avoiding my questions relating to Taehyung in ANY way. It was really weird because he just smiles and shakes it off like it was nothing I or you should know."

I lean against the lockers. "I guess I'm not the only one."


"Do you think I'm overreacting over this?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No, not at all. In my opinion, you're his girlfriend, you have the position to be worried or confused on why he's not wanting to hang with you. Y'all are dating!"

I sigh. "Thanks. I really do want to hang out with him today. It's been awhile and even if it's just for a bit."

"And you will." A familiar voice turns our heads.

"Oh, hey, Seokjin!" We both greet him with a wave.

He smiles and walks towards us. "I've been looking for you two. You guys are so late."

"And why are you not in class?" I narrow my eyes.

"Reasons. Anyways, are you girls finished here?" He asks.

Lilia and I look to each other, then back at him. "Yup."

Another big smile forms on his mouth. "Where are you heading now?"

"Uh, my locker." I raise my hand.

He claps his hands like the princess he is. "Perfect. I'll walk with you."

We nod and walk to my locker.

As we turn the corner...

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now